World Of Stardom Championship

The World Of Stardom Championship is the top singles title in Stardom. It is often referred to as the “red belt” because of it’s red color that distinguishes it from other Stardom titles (which all have the same star-shaped plate designs). It was first awarded in July 2011 when Nanae Takahashi won a tournament to crown the inaugural champion.

As of 12/29/2024 there have been 20 World Of Stardom Champions. They are listed below in order of reign, which reign it was (some held it multiple tines), length of reign and number of successful defenses.

1-Nanae Takahashi. 1st reign. Length: 7/24/2011-3/17/2013. Successful defenses: 7.

2-Alpha Female. 1st reign. Length: 3/17/2013-4/29/2013. Successful defenses: None.

3-Io Shirai. 1st reign. Length: 4/29/2013-8/10/2014. Successful defenses: 10.

4-Yoshiko. 1st reign. Length: 8/10/2014-2/25/2015. Successful defenses: 3. Stripped of title on 2/25/2015 after legit beating and severely injuring Act Yasukawa during title defense on 2/22/2015.

5-Kairi Hojo. 1st reign. Length: 3/29/2015-7/26/2015. Successful defenses: 3.

6-Meiko Satomura. 1st reign. Length: 7/26/2015-12/23/2015. Successful defenses: 1.

7-Io Shirai. 2nd reign. Lemgth: 12/23/2015-6/21/2017. Successful defenses: 14.

8-Mayu Iwatani. 1st reign. Length: 6/21/2017-9/24/2017. Successful defenses: 2.

9-Toni Storm. 1st reign. Length: 9/24/2017-6/9/2018. Successful defenses: 3.

10-Kagetsu. 1st reign. Length: 6/9/2018-5/4/2019. Successful defenses: 8.

11-Bea Priestley. 1st reign. Length: 5/4/2019-11/4/2019. Successful defenses: 5.

12-Mayu Iwatani. 2nd reign. Length: 11/4/2019-11/15/2020. Successful defenses: 5.

13-Utami Hayashishita. 1st reign. Length: 11/15/2020-12/29/2021. Successful defenses: 9.

14-Syuri. 1st reign. Length: 12/29/2021-12/29/2022. Successful defenses: 10.

15-Guilia. 1st reign. Length: 12/29/2022-4/23/2023. Successful defenses: 2.

16-Tam Nakano. 1st reign. Length: 4/23/2023-11/20/2023. Successful defenses: 3. Vacated title on 11/20/2023 due to injury.

17-Maika. 1st reign. Length: 12/29/2023-7/28/2024. Successful defenses: 6.

18-Natsuko Tora. 1st reign. Length: 7/28/2024-8/31/2024. Successful defenses: None.

19-Tam Nakano. 2nd reign. Length: 8/31/2024-12/29/2024. Successful defenses: 2.

20-Saya Kamitani. 1st reign. Length: 12/29/2024-Present (Current Champion). Successful defenses: 1. Next defense: 4/27/2025 vs. Tam Nakano.

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