BREAKING: Sumo-New Ozeki For March 2024! (Updated)

As expected, the Japan Sumo Association has just announced that, following an extraordinary meeting today (1/31 Japan time), Kotonowaka has been promoted to Ozeki following a 13-2 January tournament that saw the Sekiwake lose in a playoff for the championship to Yokozuna Terunofuji but win the Technique Prize. Kotonowaka had 33 wins in his last 3 tournaments, considered an unofficial benchmark for promotion consideration. He is expected to also change his shikona, or ring name, to Kotozakura, the ring name of his Yokozuna grandfather. This will make 4 Ozeki, the second highest tanking in sumo, for the March tournament in Osaka.

UPDATE: In other news, some other promotions were also confirmed. There will be no Shin-Juryo rikishi in March 2024 but 4 will be Sai-Juryo and return to the second tier (and get their salary back): Former Sekiwake and newly crowned Makushita Champion Wakatakakage (as expected), Tsushimanada, Kitaharima and Hakuoho. Kiraharima was last in Juryo in September 2020, and the 37-year-old undoubtedly hopes to get one more chance in the top tier before his career is over. He made it in July 2016, coming in at Maegashira 15 for one tournament but demoted after going 6-9/ Tsushimanada returns to Juryo for the first time since July (his highest career rank is J9), while Hakuoko is back up after one tournament demoted from Juryo after missing 2 tournaments due to injury following an 11-4 top tier debut in July. Expect him back in Makuuchi in no time, probably in July if all goes well.

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