Sumo-July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 5 Results (7/18/24) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 5 of the July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, Y-Yokozuna, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Bushozan (M16) beat Daiamami (J2)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Endo (M14)
Roga (M15) beat Takarafuji (M13)
Hokutofuji (M13) beat Kagayaki (M16)
WWakatakakage (M14) beat Chouranoumi (M13)
Midorifuji (M10) beat Asanoyama (M12) by default/withdrawal
Shodai (M10) beat Nishikigi (M11)
Tamawashi (M9) beat Ichiyamamoto (M11)
Oshoma (M9) beat Kotoshoho (M7)
Oho (M6) beat Kinbozan (M7)
Takanosho (M6) beat Ryuden (M8)
Shonannoumi (M5) beat Sadanoumi (M7)
Tobizaru (M4) beat Meisei (M1)
Daieisho (K) beat Hiradoumi (K)
Abi (S) beat Atamifuji (M1)
Onosato (S) beat Kirishima (S)
Mitakeumi (M2) beat Kotozakura (O)
Takakeisho (O) beat Ura (M4)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Wakamotoharu (M2)
Terunofuji (Y) beat Gonoyama (M3)
Leader: Terunofuji (5-0)
WITHDRAWAL: Asanoyama (M12). Torn ACL (left knee). Tournament over. Out at least 6 months. Will finish the equivalent of 3-12 (was 3-1 coming into today) and probably will be demoted to Juryo in September and Makushita by the end of the year.
RE-ENTRY: Chiyoshoma (M15). Will return tomorrow. Missed first 5 days due to a herniated disc (back). Will be the equivalent of 0-5, so he still has a chance to clinch a promotion or at least enough wins to avoid demotion back to Juryo.
Of note: There must have been some bad blood between Oho & Kinbozan because both of them pulled Hoshoryus post-match and gave each other angry stinky face glares instead of bowing. It certainly was an intense bout with a lot of hard pushing & slapping. Elsewhere, we’re clearly seeing “old” Terunofuji as he has mostly been dominant in cruising to a 5-0 start. If he stays healthy he seems to be on track for that elusive 10th championship he desires before retiring.
Ozeki Watch: At 3-2, Kirishima needs to go 7-3 or better the rest of the way to be promoted back to Ozeki in September. If he doesn’t get 10+ wins, he starts all over. Takakeisho is 2-3 and must go 6-4 or better to stay at Ozeki.

Hakuoho (J13) beat Nabatame (J14)
Fujiseiun (J14) beat Tsushimanada (J12)
Kayo (J13) beat Tochitaikai (J11)
Shimazuumi (J10) beat Hakuyozan (J12)
Shishi (J10) beat Aoiyama (J11)
Shirokuma (J8) beat Hidenoumi (J9)
Shiden (J7) beat Chiyosakae (J9)
Myogiryu (J8) beat Tomokaze (J7)
Tamashoho (J8) beat Tohakuryu (J5)
Tsurugisho (J5) beat Asakoryu (J4)
Shimanoumi (J6) beat Daishoho (J4)
Mitoryu (J3) beat Onokatsu (J1)
Tokihayate (J1) beat Kitanowaka (J3)
Leader: 7 at 4-1. Both remaining unbeatens after Day 4 lost today.

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