Sumo-July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 8 Results (Halfway Point) (7/21/24) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 8-the Halfway Point-of the July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, Y-Yokozuna, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Endo (J14) beat Asakoryu (J4)
Roga (M15) beat Hokurofuji (J13)
Bushozan (M16) beat Takarafuji (M13)
Churanoumi (M12) beat NIshikifuji (M17)
Ichiyamamoto (M11) beat Kagayaki (M16)
Chiyoshoma (M15) beat Nishikigi (M11)
Shodai (M10) beat Wakatakakage (M14)
Midorifuji (M10) beat Ryuden (M9)
Kinbozan (M8) beat Kotoshoho (M7)
Sadanoumi (M7) beat Tamawashi (M9)
Oho (M6) beat Oshoma (M9)
Takanosho (M6) beat MitakeumI (M7)
Atamifuji (M1) beat Wakamotoharu (M2)
Hiradoumi (K) beat Meisei (M1)
Abi (S) beat Gonoyama (M3)
Onosato (S) beat Tobizaru (M4)
Kotozakura (O) beat Ura (M4)
Takakeisho (O) beat Kirishima (S)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Daieisho (K)
Terunofyji (Y) beat Shonannoumi (M5)
Leader: Terunofuji (8-0)
Of note: With now at least 2 more days before potential promotions are earned, Terunofuji is halfway to #10 and maintains his 2 win advantage. At this point the question may shift from will he win to will he go 15-0 and perhaps pull a Hakuho, retiring after a perfect championship finale. On the flip side, Nishikigi becomes the first demotion of the tournament as he is now 0-8. Elsewhere, a quick Ozeki re-promotion is all but gone for Kirishima as he is now 4-4, having to go 6-1 or 7-0 now to make is happen. Despite beating Kirishima, Takakeisho also has work to do in order to keep his Ozeki rank as he is now 3-5 so he must go 5-2 or better. And while he may be too far back to win another championship, Onosato has now won 4 straight after a 1-3 start and is now 5-3, keeping his slim Ozeki promotion hopes for September alive. He’s potentially setting up a shot for November promotion with 10-11 wins in September.
Terunofuji goes for 9-0 tomorrow against Daieisho.

Daiseizan (Ms2) beat Kayo (J13)
Shishi (J10) beat Tsushimanada (J12)
Shimazuumi (J10) beat Aoiyama (J11)
Fujiseiun (J14) beat Hidenoumi (J9)
Nabatame (J14) beat Chiyosakae (J9)
Shirokuma (J8) beat Hakuoho (J13)
Myogiryu (J8) beat Hakuyozan (J12)
Shiden (J7) beat Tochitaikai (J11)
Daishoho (J4) beat Tomokaze (J7)
Tamashoho (J6) beat Kitanowaka (J3)
Tsurugisho (J5) beat Mitoryu (J3)
Daiamami (J2) beat Shimanoumi (J6)
Tokihayate (J1) beat Tohakuryu (J5)
Takerufuji (J2) beat Onokatsu (J1)
Leader: Shishi (7-1)
Of note: Takerutuji returned for the first time since winning the Emperor’s Cup in March, staving off another demotion for now and probably at least maintaining jis Juryo rank regardless of what happens now as 0-15 or Absent would mean demotion to Makushita. He can still get a promotion id he wins out but almost certainly wouldn’t get back to the top tier. Tohakuryu will be the first demotion this time at now 0-8. Shishi is now the sole leader, surely would be a popular one because he is a sentimental favorite being one of two current rikishi from Ukraine. At the bottom, Daiseizan came up for an unusual 5th match for an unbeaten Makushita man at this point-he’ll have a couple days off as a result but with this win he’s gone to 5-0 and will be in Juryo in September for the first time.

Lower tier notes:
In the Makushita, besides Daiseizan there are 7 others currently at 4-0 with Dewarnoryu at Ms9 having a chance at Juryo promotion if he can win the championship. The Sandanme has 10 currently at 4-0. The Jinodan has 11 at 4-0 while the Jonokuchi has 3 at 4-0. 2 of those 3 face each other tomorrow so there will only be 2 unbeatens remaining and potentially just one. Enho won today so he currently is 3-1. One more win will definitely see him promoted to Jonidan in September.

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