Sumo-September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 13 Results (9/20/2024) (Top 2 Tiers) (Updated)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 13-Championship Day-of the September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita, Sd-Sandanme, Jd-Jonidan, Jk-Jonokuchi

Makuuchi (top tier):
Takarafuji (M13) beat Shirokuma (M16) by default/withdrawak)
Onokatsu (M14) beat Tamashoho (J3)
Ryuden (M14) beat Bushozan (M12)
Sadanoumi (M11) beat Kinbozan (M12)
Midorifuji (M8) beat Kagayaki (M11)
Endo (M8) beat Nishikifuji (M17)
Churanoumi (M7) beat Kitanowaka (M16)
Wakatakakage (M7) beat Oshoma (M9)
Gonoyama (M6) beat Roga (M10)
Meisei (M6) beat Tamawashi (M10)
Ichiyamamoto (M9) beat Shonannoumi (M5)
Wakamotoharu (M3) beat Oho (M2)
Mitakeumi (M3) beat Atamifuji (M2)
Ura (M5) beat Tobizaru (M1)
Shodai (M4) beat Takanosho (M1)
Nishikigi (M13) beat Hiradoumi (K)
Daieisho (K) beat Takayasu (M10)
Abi (S) beat Kotoshoho (M4)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Kirishima (S)
Onosato (S) beat Kotozakura (O)
Leader: Onosato (12-1)
WITHDRAWAL: Shirokuma (M16). Ankle. Tournament over. Out 3 weeks. Will be demoted back to Juryo.
RE-ENTRY: Hokutofuji (M13). Will return tomorrow. Missed 3 days due to re-aggravating an old injury. Will be the equivalent of 6-7 so still a chance for promotion by winning his last 2 matches.
RETIREMENT: Takakeisho (S). Retired today. Was rumored to be happening if he didn’t earn re-promotion to Ozeki and that bid ended early due to injury (he would have needed at least 10 wins this time). The former long-time Ozeki ends his career with 4 Emperor’s Cups, 8 total championships, 7 Special Prizes, 3 Kinboshi (Gold Star Victories as a Maegashira over a Yokozuna) and a record of 441-254-117, 353-219-117 in the top tier. He was 0-2 this tournament before withdrawing on Day 3 so his final official record for September will be 0-3-11. He came so very close to becoming Yokozuna on multiple occasions but usually those chances were done in by injuries. No word yet on if he will be able to cash in elder stock and become an oyakata.
Of note: It could end tomorrow. Onosato can win his second championship tomorrow and now worst case is potentially up to a 4-way playoff (it can’t be 5-way despite 4 tied at 10-3 because two of them-Kirishima & Takayasu-face off tomorrow). The others, Wakatakakage & Nishikigi, face other opponents. Onosato faces Hoshoryu and wins the title with a win. But more importantly now…Onosato Ozeki? Today made 33 wins over the last 3 tournaments-the unofficial magic number-and he has a championship with potentially a second one.

Asakoryu (J6) beat Fujiseiun (J10)
Kiryuko (J9) beat Mitoryu (J7) by default/withdrawal
Kayo (J14) beat Tsurugisho (J7)
Shiden (J7) beat Tohakuryu (J10)
Hidenoumi (J6) beat Hakuyozan (J8)
Hakuoho (J5) beat Oshoumi (J14)
Aoiyama (J13) beat Daiamami (J5)
Shimanoumi (J4) beat Daiseizan (J12)
Takerufuji (J11) beat Shishi (J2)
Tokihayate (J2) beat Daishoho (J9)
Chiyoshoma (J1) beat Tomokaze (J11)
Leader: Takerufuji (12-1)
WITHDRAWAL: Mitoryu (J7). Knee & thigh. Tournament over. Out 3 weeks.
Of note: Worst-case now is a playoff but it’s Takerufuji’s to lose. He won but so did Chiyoshoma so the gap remains 2 with 2 days left. Takerufuji potentially denied Shishi promotion to the top tier in November as he drops to 7-6 while Tokihayate will have a chance to return to the top tier with 9 wins now. At the bottom, Oshoumi will be demoted back to Makushita while Aoiyama is staying alive for now at 5-8, but still needs to win his last two.

Hatsuyama (Ms16) beat Asakoki (Ms55). HATSUYAMA MAKUSHITA YUSHO!!! First career championship. He will have a chance at promotion to Juryo in November for the first time. If he makes it then it will have taken him just over 2 1/2 years.

Kawazoe (Sd51) beat Kiyonoumi (Sd24). KAWAZOE SANDANME YUSHO!!! First career championship for the former “human slinky” and Hakuho prospect toughing it out at Isegahama. Should be promoted back to Makushita.

Daiyusho (Jd57) beat Oatari (Jd42)
Shimizuumi (Jd5) beat Imamura (Jd40). PLAYOFF!!! It will be Daiyusho vs. Shimizuumi for the championship on the Final Day. Daiyusho is going for his first career championship, Shimizuumi his second in 2 career tournaments.

Goseizan (Jk15) beat Tsuru (Jk3). GOSEIZAN JONOKUCHI YUSHO!!! First career championship in debut tournament. Avoided a playoff because Aoifuji won in Jonidan and would have had a second chance at 6-1 if Goseizan lose.

Reminder: NHK World Japan will have 50 minutes of LIVE top-tier coverage tomorrow, with potentially the championship deciding matches, beginning at 1:10 AM PT/4:10 AM ET.

UPDATE: Takakeisho does have elder stock for Minatogawa and will cash it in, likely becoming an assistant coach and perhaps eventually forming his own stable. It’s believed the Tokiwayama stock, or at least the front runner to replace their current stablemaster, currently is held by stablemate Takanosho.

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