DDT 6/21/24 Results

Because The37Kamiina are all about saunas and Heat Wave WER!!, DDT held a single-match “Sauna Wrestling” event today to again show off the wackiness that is DDT.

Today’s event was held at Aqua Eucalyptus in Chiba and will be available on demand somewhere at a later date. There was no live broadcast, but it was going to be “filmed and streamed”.

The announced paid attendance was 91.

Match Result: In a Falls Count Anywhere Elimination Match, DDT Extreme Champion Shunma Katsumata beat DDT Iron Man Heavymetalweight Champion Kazuma Sumi, Illusion, Yukio Naya & To-y to retain the title and win the Iron Man Title. Katsumata becomes the 1644th Champion. Order of elimination: Naya by everyone, Illusion by To-y by ref stoppage (TKO), To-y by Katsumata & Sumi, Sumi by Katsumata. Katsumata wins. V4 for Katsumata. The match, once it began, went just over 55 minutes.

The next event is a special mini-event tomorrow at Machida GION Stadium in Tokyo followed by an event later that day at Osaka Prefectural Gym 2 in Osaka. For Tokyo, this is a free event but is weather permitting due to being outdoors so it may be cancelled if it rains. There will be no live broadcasts. For Osaka, it will be available on demand on WRESTLE UNIVERSE Tuesday.

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