Sumo-July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 8 Results (Halfway Point-Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from Day 8 of the July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament from Nagoya, the halfway point:
Key: M-Maegashira; K-Komosubi; S-Sekiwake; O-Ozeki; Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo (2nd tier)
Makuuchi (Top tier):
Onosho (M15) beat Daishoho (J3)
Oho (M15) beat Chiyomaru (M17)
Myogiryu (M14) beat Daiamami (M16)
Ichiyamamoto (M13) beat Tsurugisho (M14)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Chiyoshoma (M13)
Takarafuji (M12) beat Yutakayama (M16)
Terutsuyoshi (M12) beat Shimanoumi (M9)
Tochinoshin (M8) beat Midorifuji (M11)
Nishikigiki (M8) beat Kotoshoho (M11)
Chiyotairyu (M10) beat Okinoumi (M7)
Meisei (M10) beat Hokutofuji (M10)
Tobizaru (M6) beat Kotoeko (M9)
Ura (M3) beat Aoiyama (M6)
Kotonowaka (M2) beat Ichinojo (M2)
Hoshoryu (K) beat Kiribayama (M1)
Abi (K) beat Sadanoumi (M5)
Wakatakakage (S) beat Daieisho (S)
Takakeisho (O) beat Endo (M5)
Shodai (O) beat Tamawashi (M3)
Terunofuji (Y) beat Wakamotoharu (M4). VERY CONTROVERSIAL MATCH. Was stopped to fix loose mawashi just as they began moving again, which denied Wakamotoharu a win and his first Kinboshi (gold star victory). Judges ordered it restarted from the point of stoppage and Terunofuji would win after the restart.
Leader: Terunofuji, Kotonowaka, Ichinojo, Tobizaru, Nishigiki, Ichiyamamoto, Nishikifuji (6-2)

Oshoma (J13) beat Tochimaru (J11)
Gonoyama (J14) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Kitanowaka (J12) beat Kaisho (J9)
Hokuseiho (J13) beat Churanoumi (J9)
Chiyosakae (J14) beat Hiradoumi (J8)
Enho (J8) beat Yago (J12)
Kotokuzan (J7) beat Kaisei (J11)
Akua (J7) beat Asanowaka (J4)
Bushozan (J6) beat Kagayaki (J3)
Atamifuji (J6) beat Asanowaka (J2)
Tokushoryu (J5) beat Tokakuryu (J2)
Ryuden (J1) beat Chiyonokuni (J4)
Hidenoumi (J1) beat Mitoryu (J4)
Leader: Ryuden, Hiradoumi, Hokuseiho (6-2)
WITHDRAWAL: Oshoma is out starting tomorrow (Day 9). Unknown but given he won today and didn’t look injured, my first suspiciion is coronavirus. Withdrawals are piling up in the lower ranks too so there could be more outbreaks. Bad way to end Oshoma’s Juryo debut, he was 5-3 after today and could be going back to Makushita.
DEMOTION: Ishiura is the first official demotion in the top 2 tiers effective today. Pre-tournament withdrawal due to cervical cord/spine injury.
Asanoyama Watch: As expected, no match today.
Lower division notes: Makushita has 8 tied for the lead at 4-0, all have earned promotions. Asanoyama is among 10 in the Sandamne tied for the lead at 4-0. The Jonidan has 12 at 4-0, while the Jonokuchi has 2 at 4-0.

UPDATE: MAJOR early Day 9 Makuuchi development-Ichiyamamoto, one of the co-leaders at 6-2, has WITHDRAWN. More to come…

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