Sumo-July 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 15 Results (Final Day) (7/23/23)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 15-the Final Day-of the July Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita, Sd-Sandanme, Jd-Jonidan, Jk-Jonokuchi

Makuuchi (Top Tier):
Daishoho (M14) beat Roga (J2)
Takarafuji (M15) beat Tsurugisho (M11)
Shonannoumi (M14) beat Myogiryu (M10)
Endo (M15) beat Nishikifuji (M8)
Aoiyama (M17) beat Sadanoumi (M8)
Gonoyama (M13) beat Tamawashi (M7)
Takayasu (M7) beat Chiyoshoma (M12)
Oho (M6) beat Bushozan (M16)
Kotoshoho (M13) beat Hiradoumi (M5) by default/withdrawal
Meisei (M3) beat Kinbozan (M10)
Midorifuji (M3) beat Hokuseiho (M6)
Mitakeumi (M2) beat Onosho (M5)
Ura (M4) beat Shodai (M2)
Tobizaru (M1) beat Kotoeko (M11)
Houtofuji (M9) beat Nishikigi (M1). PLAYOFF!!! That meant the Hoshoryu-Hakuoho winner would face Hokutofuji for the championship.
Kotonowaka (K) beat Ryuden (M15)
Asanoyama (M4) beat Wakamotoharu (S)
Takanosho (M9) beat Daieisho (S)
Hoshoryu (S) beat Hakuoho (M17)
Abi (K) beat Kirishima (O)
Leader: TIE. Hoshoryu & Hokutofuji (12-3)
PLAYOFF: Hoshoryu beat Hokutofuji. HOSHORYU YUSHO!!! First career Emperor’s Cup (2nd career championship-he has 1 Jonidan championship). And…almost certainly…HOSHORYU OZEKI! It sounds like he is going to be promoted! Uncle Asashoryu must be so proud! (Asashoryu is a former Yokozuna)
WITHDRAWAL: Hiradoumi (M5). Knee.
CHAMPION: Hoshoryu (12-3)
Of note: First up, go find and watch video of Midorifuji-Hokuseiho. The finish was picture-perfect David vs. Goliath. Midorifuji is, weight-wise, the smallest in the top tier. Hokuseiho is, height-wise, the tallest and it’s not even close. One of the best throws ever by the little guy to take down the giant. The Kyokai handed out Fighting Spirit prizes like candy as everyone who needed to win to clinch one did-6 in all. In the end and the post-tournament interviews, it was also the epitome of The Thrill Of Victory as Hoshoryu didn’t hold back his emotions, and The Agony Of Defeat when Hokutofuji was interviewed for the Fighting Spirit Prize. He had his best tournament ever, nearly winning it all for his stablemaster-Kyokai Chairman Hakkaku-but you could see the disappointment of losing in a playoff on his face. So Close…And Yet So Far Away. Hakuoho took 2 of 3 Special Prizes after coming up just short in his super rookie top tier debut. Had he won it all, it would’ve been the first time since 1919 (!) a top-tier rookie won the Emperor’s Cup in his debut tournament. If that shoulder ever gets fully healthy again, and even if he just stays healthy, he should be a Yokozuna sooner than later like master Hakuho/Miyagino. In fact, all 3 rookies finished with 10+ wins and Fighting Spirit Prizes. Hakuoho also won the Technique Prize.
Kotonowaka hopefully will be promoted to Sekiwake next time with 11 wins and a Fighting Spirit Prize while Daieisho & Wakamotoharu protect their Sekiwake ranks, but Ozeki promotion for November will probably require a championship in September. At the very least they’d have to go 14-1. Tobizaru should return to Sanyaku and Nishikigi gets there for the first time. If Hoshoryu is indeed promoted, it ensures an Ozeki after September with both Kirishima & Takakeisho in kadoban status, but hopefully both will return fully healthy and get winning records.

Takahashi (Ms4) beat Hidenoumi (J12)
Daiamami (J9) beat Shishi (J12) No 7-way Playoff…
Takakento (J8) beat Shimanoumi (J10)
Shiden (J13) beat Azumaryu (J6)
Kitanowaka (J6) beat Tomokaze (J9). Tomokaze out of contention
Tamashoho (J4) beat Chiyosakae (J10).
Tohakuryu (J4) beat Chiyonoumi (J14)
Oshoma (H4) beat Tsushimanada (J11)
Yuma (J14) beat Shimazuumi (J3)
Chiyomaru (J11) beat Ichiyamamoto (J3)
Hakuyozan (J7) beat Mitoryu (J2)
Atamifuji (J1) beat Akua (J8). PLAYOFF!!!
Churanoumi (J7) beat Kagayaki (J1)
Leader: TIE. Atamifuji, Daiamami (11-4)
PLAYOFF: Atamifuji beat Daiamami. ATAMIFUJI JURYO YUSHO!!! His 3rd career championship and first in Juryo.
CHAMPION: Atamifuji (11-4)
Of note: Atamifuji & Kagayaki will be returning to the top tier, Atamifuji for the second time after being demoted following his debut when he struggled to a 4-11 finish. There remain high hopes for the protege of Yokozuna Terunofuji & Isegahama Beya. With his loss in the top tier, Roga likely will be just short of moving up, finishing 8-7 at J2. At the bottom, it looks like 4 are being demoted to Makushita-Yuma, Chiyonoumi and possibly Tsushimanada, who went 3-12 at J11 & Hidenoumi, who went 5-10 at J12. Shiden saved promotion today with his 8th win, so he’ll stick around and move up from J13 (the first time he reached Juryo he didn’t compete due to a suspension for apparent gambling).

PLAYOFF: Wakaikari (Sd86) beat Asahakuryu (Sd44). WAKAIKARI SANDANME YUSHO!!! His first career championship.

Outstanding Performance (Most wins overall AND most wins by Maegashira against Yokozuna & Ozeki): Nishikigi
Fighting Spirit (10+ wins and best display of Fighting Spirit, Yokozuna & Ozeki not eligible for prize): Hoshoryu, Kotonowaka, Hokutofuji, Hakuoho, Gonoyama, Shonannoumi
Technique (8+ wins with most different finishing techniques used): Hakuoho

Makuuchi: Hoshoryu (S). First Emperor’s Cup and second championship overall
Juryo: Atamifuji (J1). First Juryo and third championship overall
Makushita: Tokihayate (Ms1). First Makushita and second championship overall
Sandanme: Wakaikari (Sd86). First career championship in his 3rd career tournament
Jonidan: Aginosho (Jd38). First career championship
Jonokuchi: Anosho (Jj18). First career championship in Debut tournament.

The next tournament is 9/10-9/24 in Tokyo at Ryogoku Kokugikan. The Banzuke will be announced on 8/28. Final standings will be posted in a couple days and, hopefully, news of Hoshoryu being promoted to Ozeki.

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