Sumo-July 2024 Banzuke Announced

It’s that exciting time again-with 2 weeks until the next tournament, the Japan Sumo Association has announced the Banzuke (rankings) for the July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament. Here are the rankings for the top 2 tiers and notes:

Makuuchi (top tier):
Ozeki-Kotozakura, Hoshoryu, Takakeisho
Sekiwake-Kirishima, Onosato (May Tournament Champion), Abi
Komusubi-Daieisho, Hiradoumi
Maegashira 1-Meisei, Atamifuji
Maegashira 2-Wakamroharu, Mitakeumi
Maegashira 3-Takayasu, Gonoyama
Maegashira 4-Tobizaru, Ura
Maegashira 5-Onosho, Shonannoumi
Maegashira 6-Takanosho, Oho
Maegashira 7-Kotoshoho, Sadanoumi
Maegashira 8-Ryuden, Kinbozan
Maegashira 9-Oshoma, Tamawashi
Maegashira 10-Shodai, Midorifuji
Maegashira 11-Ichiyamamoto, Nishikigi
Maegashira 12-Asanoyama, Churanoumi
Maegashira 13-Hokutofuji, Takarafuji
Maegashira 14-Wakatakakage (May Juryo Champion), Endo
Maegashira 15-Chiyoshoma, Roga
Maegashira 16-Kagayaki, Bushozan
Maegashira 17-Nishikufuji

Juryo 1-Tokihayate, Onokatsu
Juryo 2-Takerufuji, Daiamami
Juryo 3-Kitanowaka, Mitoryu
Juryo 4-Daishoho, Asakoryu
Juryo 5-Tohakuryu, Tsurugisho
Juryo 6-Shimanoumi, Tamashoho
Juryo 7-Tomokaze, Shiden
Juryo 8-Shirokuma, Myogiryu
Juryo 9-Hidenoumi, Chiyosakae
Juryo 10-Shishi, Shimazuumi
Juryo 11-Tochitaikai, Aoiyama
Juryo 12-Hakuyozan, Tsushimanada
Juryo 13-Hakuoho, Kayo
Juryo 14-Fujiseiun (May Makushita Champion), Nabatame

Notes: Kirishima was demoted from Ozeki after 2 straight losing tournaments but can be promoted back after this tournament if he finishes with at least 10 wins. Takakeisho is again in kadoban status and needs 8+ wins to avoid demotion. There were some brief rumors that Onosato would have a slight chance at promotion to Ozeki following his May championship at Komusubi but nothing came of it. He can get promotion this time by winning the championship again. After missing May Asanoyama plunged from Komusubi to M12, but otherwise not a lot of big movements. Wakatakakage returns to the top tier more than a year after demotion from Sekiwake after more than a year there due to injury, and Endo is back up after one tournament as well, along with Chiyoshoma in top tier returns. Takerufuji, who missed the tournament after winning his top tier debut in March, falls to Juryo 2 and isn’t yet a lock for July. Not a lot of major moves in Juryo either although I was surprised to see Myogiryu only fall to J8 from J1, I expected bigger.
Kayo & Nabatame are the Shin-Juryo rikishi, reaching the second tier and pro/salaried ranks for the first time in their careers, while Fujiseiun is Sai-Juryo, returning after winning the Makushita Championship.

There was one retirement last week, Oki has called it a career. He was ranked at Sandanme 36 following a 5-2 effort in his final tournament in May, reaching a highest rank in his career of Juryo 13 for one tournament. Unfortunately that one effort ended 0-15, in large part due to injuries. Because his retirement announcement came after the rankings were decided on, he will be listed on the rankings but will not compete, and this tournament won’t count on his final record of 231-192-34 (win-loss-absent) in a career lasting just short of 11 years.

In the Sandanme, there are 90 rankings once again, the new normal. The Jonidan has slimmed down to just 99 rankings while the Jonokuchi is down to 18 ranks with 35 total wrestlers including the hopefully-returning Enho, trying to come back after being demoted from Juryo due to injury. There currently is only one new wrestler who may be introduced and debut this time after passing the exams.

The tournament begins July 14 at Aichi Prefectural Gym in Nagoya. This is the final tournament there as next year they will move to the new AIchi International Arena.

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