Sumo-July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 10 Results (7/23/24) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 10 of the July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, Y-Yokozuna, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Bushozan (M16) beat Tsurugisho (J5)
Hokutofuji (M13) beat Chiyoshoma (M15)
Endo (M14) beat Churanoumi (M12)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Ichiyamamoto (M11)
Kagayaki (M16) beat NIshikigi (M11)
Wakatakakage (M14) beat Midorifuji (M10)
Takarafuji (M13) beat Tamawashi (M9)
Ryuden (M8) beat Roga (M15)
Shodai (M10) beat Kinbocan (M7)
Oshoma (M9) beat Sadanoumi (M7)
Tobizaru (M4) beat Kotoshoho (M7)
Ura (M4) beat Oho (M6)
Takanosho (M8) beat Gonoyama (M3)
Mitakeumi (M2) beat Meisei (M1)
Daieisho (K) beat Atamifuji (M1)
Hiradoumi (K) beat Wakamotoharu (M2)
Abi (S) beat Takakeisho (O)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Shonannoumi (M5)
Kotozakura (O) beat Onosato (S)
Terunofuji (Y) beat Kirishima (S)
Leader: Terunofuji (10-0)
Of note: It’s pretty much down to Kotozakura as the last obstacle to Terunofuji’s 10th title. The Ozeki has protected his rank with his 8th win today but is still 2 back of the Yokozuna, who continued his unbeaten dominance of Kirishima. Speaking of Kirishima, his Ozeki re-promotion hopes are all but dead, he now must win his last 5 matches. Takakeisho’s Ozeki status is more endangered now at 4-6, he must go 4-1 or 5-0 to avoid demotion. The repeat bid is now over for Onosato as he drops to 5-5. To have any semblance of a chance he must win tomorrow…and if he doesn’t the title race is over because tomorrow he gets Terunofuji.

Oshoumi (Ms3) beat Tsushimanada (J12)
Hakuoho (J13) beat Tochitaikai (J11)
Hakuyozan (J12) beat Shishi (J10)
Shimazuumi (J10) beat Fujiseiun (J14)
Hidenoumi (J9) beat Nabatame (J14)
Kayo (J13) beat Chiyosakae (J9)
Myogiryu (J8) beat Aoiyama (J11)
Shirokuma (J6) beat Daishoho (J4)
Shiden (J7) beat Asakoryu (J4)
Tomokaze (J7) beat Kitanowaka (J3)
Mitoryu (J3) beat Tohajuryu (J5)
Daiamami (J2) beat Takerufuji (J2) by default/withdrawal
Tokihayate (J1) beat Tamashoho (J6)
Shimanoumi (J6) beat Onokatsu (J1)
Leader: Shirokuma, Shishi (8-2)
WITHDRAWAL: Takerufuji (J2). Left shoulder. Tournament probably over. Will finish the equivalent of 2-13 and demotion from Juryo will be a very big toss-up.
Of note: Hakuyozan ended Shishi’s 8-match winning streak to help Shirokuma pull even and clinch his first promotion in 3 tournaments (he missed out on a potential promotion in March due to injury). With Takerufuji pulling out again, the question now will be is 2 wins-and more significantly the Isegahama factor-enough to keep him in Juryo? It’ll depend on other factors but I think it’s enough. We also have to now watch Aoiyama, who is one loss from demotion and too many more losses could see him lose his salary for the first time in a very long time. Nabatame is now one loss from demotion back to Makushita and Tsushimanada seems likely to be demoted. With his win today, Makushita man Oshoumi clinches a promotion and, with one or ideally two more wins in his last two matches, has a chance at promotion to Juryo in September. Tomorrow could decide the championship, or at least the favorite, with Shirokuma-Shishi.

Lower tier notes: The Makushita is down to 4 at 5-0, and it looks like Daiseizan is probably going to earn promotion to Juryo from Ms2 regardless of what happens now. Former Makushita Champion Hitoshi, who earned promotion to Juryo after his first third-tier championship last September, will have a chance to return if he wins the title again although it may be too big a jump from Ms19. The Sandanme has 6 tied at 5-0 including former Juryo champion Tochimusashi, who holds the dubious distinction of first Juryo champion to be demoted without reaching the top tier following that championship. The Jonidan has 5 at 5-0 while in the Jonokuchi, two are at 5-0 although as of this post Day 11 is underway, and in the matchup of them Shimizuumi beat Daiyusho so Shimizuumi goes to 6-0 and the sole leader. Enho won today to improve to 4-1 and clinch promotion to Jonidan. Still a ways to go back to Juryo but it’s a good first step. He’ll probably next compete on Day 12.

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