Sumo-March 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 11 Results (3/20/24) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 11 of the March 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Osaka:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo

Makuuchi (top tier):
Roga (M15) beat Myogiryu (M15)
Nishikifuji (M14) beat Oshoma (J4)
Ichiyamamoto (M11) beat Churanoumi (M13)
Kotoshoho (M9) beat Daiamami (M16)
Hokutofuji (M9) beat Endo (M16)
Takayasu (M8) beat Sadanoumi (M11)
Tamawashi (M7) beat Ryuden (M13)
Kinbozan (M7) beat Kitanowaka (M14)
Gonoyama (M6) beat Mitakeumi (M10)
Midorifuji (M5) beat Shodai (M5)
Hiradoumi (M4) beat Onosho (M8)
Tobizaru (M4) beat Meisei (M2)
Asanoyama (M1) beat Oho (M3)
Atamifuji (M3) beat Ura (M1)
Takanosho (M3) beat Nishikigi (K)
Abi (K) beat Shonannoumi (M12)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Daieisho (S)
Wakamotohru (S) beat Kirishima (O). Kirishima kadoban
Takerufuji (M17) beat Kotonowaka (O)
Onosato (M5) beat Talaleosho (O)
Leader: Takerufuji (11-0)
Of note: Takerufuji can’t clinch the title tomorrow but it could be all but over if he wins and Onosato loses. Worst-case then is a playoff. But the rookie has now tied the all-time record for most consecutive wins to begin a rookie top tier tournament with 11, held by legendary Yokozuna Taiho (also the grandfather of Oho). Next up on the super-rookie’s road to potential records is Hoshoryu. Onosato gets Kotonowaka tomorrow. Speaking of Ozeki, Kirishima took loss 8 today and that means he’s in trouble come May-he must finish with 8 wins or more pr he will be demoted. And Takakeisho is stuck on 7 wins after 2 straight losses now, needing just that one more win to avoid demotion. Kotonowaka & Hosboryu are good as both now have 8 wins.

Alua (J13) beat Tamashoho (J9)
Haluoho (J13) beat Asakoryu (J8)
Daishoho (J7) beat Chiyosakae (J14)
Chiyoshoma (J6) beat Kitahaima (J14)
Hakuyozan (J6) beat Kotoeko (J12)
Shirokuma (J5) beat Aoiyama (J11)
Tsushimanada (J12) beat Bushozan (J5)
Kagayaki (J4) beat Shiden (J10)
Tomokaze (J3) beat Oshoumi (J11)
Mitoryu (J2) beat Wakatakakage (J10)
Tohakuryu (J2) beat Shimanoumi (J9)
Shishi (J8) beat Takarafuji (J1)
Tokihayate (J1) beat Hidenoumi (J7)
Leader: Daishoho (9-2)
Of note: Well that changes everything…for the first time in several days we have a leader not named Asakoryu or Wakatakakage. That’s because Daishoho has now won 9 straight since an 0-2 start. To fans’ dismay Kitaharima will only have been back in Juryo long enough for another cup of sake as he is now being demoted back to Makushita after taking his 8th loss today, and Kotoeko being demoted to Makushita now seems official at 1-10. I think this is the end for the veteran.
Daishoho gets the Juryo gatekeeper tomorrow aka Oshoma, while Asakoryu & Wakatakakage face off in the featured match.

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