Sumo-May 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 12 Results (5/23/24) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 12 of the May Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Ichiyamamoto (M12) beat Ryuden (M14)
Roga (M15) beat Nishikifuji (M12)
Sadanoumi (M11) beat Churanoumi (M13)
Hokutofuji (M11) beat Tsurugisho (M17)
Tamawashi (M9) beat Tomokaze (M16)
Oshoma (M14) beat Shodai (M9)
Tokihayate (M165 beat Nishikigi (M7)
Kinbozan (M10) beat Midorifuji (M6)
Onosho (M5) beat Takanosho (M8)
Kotoshoho (M8) beat Ura (M4)
Takayasu (M3) beat Tobizaru (M3)
Hiradoumi (M2) beat Gonoyama (M2)
Atamifuji (M1) beat Oho (M4)
Meisei (M5) beat Daieisho (M1)
Onosato (K) beat Takarafuji (M16)
Abi (S) beat Shonannoumi (M10)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Mitakeumi (M7)
Kotozakura (O) beat Wakamotoharu (S)
Leader: 4 at 9-3
Of note: When was the last time a tournament was this wide open? There are an astounding ELEVEN rikishi at 9-3 or 8-4 and still in contention! And also still in it is Takayasu, despite missing 6 days due to injury he is otherwise 6-0! But unfortunately the just-as-spectacular collapse of Ura continues…started 6-0 and is 0-6 since. At the top, Abi will protect his Sekiwake rank and it seems like Onosato will join him in July.
Tomorrow’s most key matchup is Shonannoumi vs. Kotozakura, the winner will go to 10-3 and be a leader with the loser needing help to win the title. Onosato, also 9-3, gets Ura while the other co-leader, Oshoma, has Wakamotoharu.

Kotokuzan (Ms4) beat Chiyomaru (J13)
Kazekeno (J14) beat Hakuyozan (J10)
Chiyosakae (J9) beat Aoiyama (J11)
Oshoumi (J13) beat Tamashoho (J9)
Tsushimanada (J12) beat Hidenoumi (J8)
Tochitaikai (J14) beat Shimazuumi (J7)
Onokatsu (J12) beat Tohakuryu (J4)
Kitanowaka (J5) beat Asakoryu (J4)
Endo (J3) beat Kagayaki (J5)
Wakatakakage (J6) beat Chiyoshoma (J3)
Shirokuma (J6) beat Bushozan (J2)
Shiden (J10) beat Daishoho (J2)
Daiamami (J1) beat Shimanoumi (J11)
Shishi (J7) beat Myogiryu (J1)
Leader: Onokatsu, Wakatakakage, Endo (11-1)
RE-ENTRY: Hakuoho (J8). Will return tomorrow. Missed the last 5 days due to coronavirus. Will be demoted due to being the equivalent of 3-9.
Of note: It’s all but down to the top 3. At this point the only other wrestler still with any real chance is Chiyoshoma, now at 9-3 after today’s loss. It will be down to 2 at most tomorrow as Endo faces Onokatsu, so the winner there is the leader and title favorite. Wakatakakage faces Shiden, who is going for promotion. A win probably will get the former Sekiwake back to the top tier in July.

Lower tier notes:
Tomorrow is the traditional Championship day in the lower 4 tiers…in the Makushita the Championship match will be Fujiseiun vs. Kusano, both at 6-0. A championship will give Fujiseiun a chance at a Juryo return in July while Kusano is looking to win the title in his rookie campaign, which would move him up to the middle of the division. The Sandanme may need a playoff as there are 3 at 6-0. Same with the Jonidan (3 at 6-0) and the Jonokuchi has 4 at 5-1, so only Makushita will likely be settled tomorrow.

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