Sumo-November 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 10 Results (11/21/23) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 10 of the November 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake. O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (Top Tier):
Roga (M16) beat Bushozan (J2)
Oho (M12) beat Kitanowaka (M17)
Tohakuryu (M15) beat Sadanoumi (M11)
Hiradoumi (M11) beat Ichiyamamoto (M14)
Ryuden (M10) beat Tamawashi (M12)
Nishikifuji (M16) beat Kotoeko (M10) by default/withdrawal
Mitakeumi (M9) beat Churanoumi (M15)
Tomokaze (M14) beat Endo (M8)
Tsurugisho (M13) beat Hokuseiho (M7)
Kinbozan (M7) beat Takarafuji (M13)
Atamifuji (M8) beat Shonannoumi (M6)
Takanosho (M6) beat Myogiryu (M9)
Midorifuji (M6) beat Takayasu (M3)
Tobizaru (M3) beat Onosho (M5)
Meisei (M2) beat Shodai (M2)
Ura (M1) beat Hokutofuji (M1)
Kotonowaka (S) beat Gonoyama (M4)
Faieisho (S) beat Asanoyama (M1)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Wakamotoharu (S)
Kirishima (O) beat Nishikigi (M4)
Takakeisho (O) beat Abi (K)
Leader: Kirishima, Kotonowaka, Atamifuji, Ichiyamamoto (8-2)
WITHDRAWAL: Kotoeko (M10). Knee. Out 2 weeks. Tournament done. This is the first time he’s been absent in his 13-year career excluding 4 days last year due to the coronavirus pandemic (which technically doesn’t count as injury/illness if they didn’t have it, the rules were if one wrestler got it their entire stable had to pull out. It’s still recorded as Absent on their records). That ends a 1000+ match ironman streak-he had never missed a day before this excluding the pandemic absence. Will finish the equivalent of 2-13 (today clinched demotion) which could mean demotion to Juryo for the first time in 3 years. Remember earlier talks about that Sadogatake top tier run with a wrestler up consecutively sonce the 1960s? It could all be on Kotonowaka come January. But barring injury or suspension he’s going to be up here for a long time. (Although Kotoshoho, demoted after September, will be back up in January)
Of note: It’s wide open again with 4 tied for the lead, Kirishima protecting his Ozeki rank and Kotonowaka doing the same at Sekiwake. Tomorrow will be a key day, specifically with Kotonowaka facing Takakeisho in a likely eliminator.
Yokozuna Watch: Takakeisho must beat Kotonowaka tomorrow or it’s over. Even with another championship, 11 wins for consecutive yusho is not impressive to the Yokozuna Deliberation Council. But Kirishima winning will keep renewed hopes high for a new Yokozuna and answer Hakkaku’s wishes for Kirishima & Hoshoryu to earn promotion soon. Hoshoryu is still in it at 7-3.
Meanwhile, Wakamotoharu is now in danger of demotion from Sekiwake at 4-6, while Hokutofuji will be demoted from Sanyaku after his 8th loss today.
Ozeki Watch: Kotonowaka took important step one today-protecting his Sekiwake rank with 8 wins. If he beats Takakeisho tomorrow the rank is his to lose as long as he wins out. Maybe 12 wins (4-1) could do it (33 wins over 3 tournaments is looked at as a benchmark but is not required). Same for the championship.

Hidenoumi (J11) beat Tsushimanada (Ms4)
Takahashi (J9) beat Hitoshi (J11)
Yuma (J13) beat Takakento (J9)
Chiyomaru (J8) beat Shiden (J12)
Asakoryu (J13) beat Daishoho (J7)
Tamashoho (J7) beat Chiyosakae (J14)
Shimanoumi (J13) beat Daiamami (J4)
Mitoryu (J4) beat Akua (J10)
Tokihayate (J8) beat Kagayaki (J3)
Tenshoho (J10) beat Oshoma (J3)
Shimazuumi (J2) beat Onosato (J5)
Chiyoshoma (J6) beat Aoiyama (J1)
Kotoshoho (J1) beat Shishi (J5)
Leader: Kotoshoho (8-2)
Of note: As the first promotion so far, that means Kotoshoho will return to the top tier in January from J1. Not returning is Kagayaki, who is now demoted from J3 at 2-8. Also likely one-and-done is Hitoshi, 1-9 at J11 has the September Makushita Champion probably going back down. His only hope is to win out.

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