Sumo-November 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 2 Results (11/13/23) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 2 of the November 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament in Fukuoka:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi. S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (Top tier):
Kitanowaka (M17) beat Roga (M16)
Tohakuryu (M15) beat Nishikifuji (M16)
Ichiyamamoto (M14) beat Churanoumi (M15)
Tomokaze (M14) beat Takarafuji (M15$
Tamawashi (M12) beat Taurugisho (M13)
Sadanoumi (M11) beat Oho (M12)
Kotoeko (M12) beat Hiradoumi (M11)
Ryuden (M10) beat Myogiryu (M9)
Atamifuji (M8) beat Mitakeumi (M9)
Hokuseiho (M7) beat Endo (M8)
Takanosho (M6) beat Kinbozan (M7)
Shonannoumi (M6) beat Onosho (M5)
Midorifuji (M5) beat Nishikigi (M4)
Tobizaru (M3) beat Hokutofuji (K)
Daieisho (S) beat Gonoyama (M4)
Kotonowaka (S) beat Takayasu (M3)
Wakamotoharu (S) beat Meisei (M2)
Takakeisho (O) beat Shodai (M2)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Ura (M1)
Kirishima (O) beat Abi (K)

Takerufuji (Ms1) beat Chiyosakae (J14)
Yuma (J13) beat Shimanoumi (J12)
Shiden (J12) beat Azumaryu (J14) by default/withdrawal
Asakoryu (J11) beat Hidenoumi (J11)
Akua (J10) beat Hitoshi (J11)
Takakento (J9) beat Tenshoho (J10)
Takahashi (J9) beat Chiyomaru (J8)
Tamashoho (J7) beat Tokihayate (J8)
Onosato (J5) beat Daishoho (J7)
Shishi (J5) beat Chiyoshoma (J6)
Mitoryu (J4) beat Kagayaki (J3)
Daiamami (J4) beat Oshoma (J3)
Shimazuumi (J2) beat Aoiyama (J1)
Bushozan (J2) beat Kotoshoho (J1)
WITHDRAWAL: Azumaryu (J14). Left knee injury suffered in yesterday’s loss. Status uncertain. If done for the tournament or more than a week, his long slow demotion out of the top 2 tiers this last year-plus after his first and only promotion in the top tier is now complete (I believe that was his last winning record). Shiden got the free win as a result.

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