Sumo-September 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 12 Results (9/22/22) (Top 2 Tiers) (Updated)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 12 of the September 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament from Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, Y-Yokozuna, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita
Makuuchi (Top Tier):
Okinoumi (M12) beat Yutakayama (M14)
Kotoshoho (M11) beat Myogiryu (M16)
Takanosho (M14) beat Chiyoshoma (M14)
Myogiryu (M9) beat Oho (M13)
Ryuden (M12) beat Kotoeko (M9)
Hiradoumi (M16) beat Tochinoshin (M8)
Chiyotairyu (M11) beat Aoiyama (M9)
Onosho (M7) beat Terutsuyoshi (M15)
Endo (M6) beat Ichiyamamoto (M13)
Tsurugisho (M15) beat Takarafuji (M5)
Wakamotoharu (M6) beat Tamawashi (M3)
Tobizaru (M1) beat Nishikifuji (M10)
Ura (M3) beat Midorifuji (M1)
Meisei (M2) beat Ichinojo (K)
Kiribayama (K) beat Kotonowaka (M2)
Takayasu (M4) beat Wakatakakage (S)
Daieisho (S) beat Sadanoumi (M5)
Hoshoryu (S) beat Shodai (O)
Takakeisho (O) beat Hokutofuji (M8)
Mitakeumi (O) beat Nishikigi (M4)
Leader: Tamawashi (10-2). 4 at 9-3
Of note: Mitoryu’s top tier debut will end with demotion back to Juryo as he took his 8th loss today. Ichonojo, the July champion, will again be demoted from Sanyaku as he took loss 8 today. Any chances Wakatakakage had of potential Ozeki promotion this tournament are now gone unless he can win the tournament, which at a best of 11-4 is unlikely. But that record would mean duplicating it or better in November could get him there in January. Takakeisho has assured himself of remaining a full-fledged Ozeki in November by getting his 8th win today.

Oshoma (J13) beat Daishomaru (Ms3)
Daishoho (J8) beat Tochimaru (J13)
Kinbozan (J12) beat Kotokuzan (J7)
Kitanowaka (J11) beat Akua (J6)
Churanoumi (J6) beat Chiyosakae (J11)
Takakento (J14) beat Hidenoumi (J5)
Tochimusashi (J14) beat Kagayaki (J4)
Tokushoryu (J10) beat Bushozan (J4)
Daiamami (J8) beat Atamifuji (J3)
Tohakuryu (J3) beat Hokuseiho (J9)
Chiyonokuni (J2) beat Gonoyama (J12)
Shimazuumi (J10) beat Azumaryu (J2)
Kaisho (J9) beat Shimanoumi (J1)
Enho (J7) beat Chiyomaru (J1)
Leader: Tochimusashi (10-2). There is a chance the former Kanno, in his Juryo debut, can clinch the Championship tomorrow on Day 13 if all of the following happen: Oshoma beats Hokuseiho, then Kinbozan beats Kagayaki, and finally Tochimusashi beats Tohakuryu. That would put Tochimusashi at 11-2 and those other 3, tied for 2nd at 8-4, at 8-5 with no hope of catching up. Regardless, if Tochimusashi wins tomorrow the worst he can do is have to go to a playoff on the final day.

Asanoyama Watch: As expected, no match today. No match tomorrow so his final match will come on either Day 14 or Day 15. Tomorrow’s key Makushita matches are Asonoyama vs. Hokaho and Yuma (who beat Asanoyama on Day 11) vs. Daiseiryu. If Asonoyama wins, he would face the Yuma-Daiseiryu winner in a playoff for the Makushita Championship. But if Asonoyama loses, Yuma-Daiseiryu is for the Championship.
The Sandanme Championship will be decided tomorrow as the only remaining 6-0 wrestlers, Wakanosho & Oshoumi, face off. The Jonidan Championship may be like Makushita because there are 3 left at 6-0, Takahashi & Nakahsima face off in the day’s final bout for either the Championship if Chiyodaigo loses earlier in the day, or a potential playoff if he wins. In the Jonokuchi, if Otani wins tomorrow he wins the Championship at 7-0. If he loses, there will either be a playoff or co-champions.

UPDATE: Early Day 13 update-Otani has won the Jonokuchi Championship with a perfect 7-0 mark. This was his Debut tournament and he wins a title for Miyagino beya and stablemaster Miyagino, the former Yokozuna Hakuho.

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