Sumo-September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 12 Results (9/19/2024) (Top 2 Tiers) (Updated)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 12 of the September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Takarafuji (M15) beat Shishi (J2)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Sadanoumi (M11)
Tamawashi (M10) beat Onokatsu (M14)
Roga (M10) beat Shirokuma (M16)
Ichiyamamoto (M9) beat Kitanowaka (M16)
Misorifuji (M8) beat Ryuden (M14)
Churanoumi (M7) beat Bushozan (M12)
Meisei (M6) beat Kagayaki (M11)
Gonoyama (M6) beat Oshoma (M9)
Ura (M5) beat Endo (M8)
Shonannoumi (M5) beat Kinbozan (M12)
Kotoshoho (M4) beat Mitakeumi (M3)
Oho (M2) beat Atamifuji (M2)
Wakamotoharu (M3) beat Takanosho (M1)
Shodai (M4) beat Tobizaru (M1)
Daieisho (K) beat Nishikigi (M13)
Takayasu (M15) beat Hiradoumi (K)
Wakatakakage (M7) beat Onosato (S)
Kirishima (S) beat Kotozakura (O)
Abi (S) beat Hoshoryu (O)
Leader: Onosato (11-1)
Of note: No 15-0 here either. And now the lead is down to one so Onosato can’t clinch the championship tomorrow against Kotozakura, who still needs a win to secure a winning record. Kirishima, now back in it and with a solid 10 wins, has Hosboryu who is struggling at 6-6 (granted the Ozeki fell to a HENKA! from a clearly desperate Abi who will be demoted from Sekiwake and possibly Sanyaku at 3-9) Takayasu, back in form at 10-2 and with that elusive first championship still within reach, faces Daieisho. Wakatakakge still has a chance as well for what wiuld be his second Emperor’s Cup. Despite a loss today, Nishikigi also still is in it at 9-3. At the bottom, Onokatsu & Shirokuma will be demoted in their first top tier efforts, the latter possibly back to Juryo if he can’t get 3 more wins. The thinking is that Kagayaki will also be demoted to Juryo, at least if he keeps losing as he is now 1-11.

Chiyomaru (Ms3) beat Oshoumi (J14)
Apiyama (J13) beat Tohakuryu (J10)
Asakoryu (J8) beat Daiseizan (J12)
Hakuyozan (J8) beat Kayo (J14)
Mitoryu (J7) beat Tomokaze (J11)
Kiryuko (J12) beat Hidenoumi (J6)
Fujiseiun (J10) beat Daiamami (J5)
Shimanoumi (J4) beat Daishoho (J9)
Tamashoho (J3) beat Hakuoho (J5)
Tokihayate (J2) beat Shiden (J6)
Takerufuji (J11) beat Chiyoshoma (J1)
Leader: Takerufuji (11-1)
RE-ENTRY: Tsurugisho (J7). Will return tomorrow. Missed 2 days for unknown reasons. Will be the equivalent of 5-7 so he can still save promotion by winning his last 3 matches.
Of note: It’s all but over now. Takerufuji can clinch the championship-and a potential top tier return-tomorrow if he wins and Chiyoshoma loses. Either happening (but not both) means worst-case is a playoff. Takerufuji faces Shishi tomorrow, the latter needing one more win for promotion and possibly to the top tier but those hopes faded slightly with a loss today in the top tier. Chiyoshoma faces Tomokaze.

UPDATE: Shirokuma has WITHDRAWN ahead of Day 13. Right ankle. He was noticeably limping after his loss today. Tournament over. Out at least 3 weeks. Guarantees demotion back to Juryo for the July champion. Takarafuji will get the fusen tomorrow. Mitoryu is also out of Juryo. Right knee injury and right thigh contusion. Tournament over. Out about 3 weeks. Will finish the equivalent of 6-9 and be demoted but stay in Juryo. Kiryuko gets the fusen tomorrow, which will keep his faint hopes of staying in Juryo alive despite being 4-9.

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