Sumo-September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 14 Results (9/21/2024) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 14-the penultimate day-of the September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Tokiahayate (J2)
Hokutofuji (M13) beat Ryuden (M14)
Tamawashi (M10) beat Takarafuji (M13)
Roga (M10) beat Kinbozan (M12)
Onokatsu (M14) beat Ichiyamamoto (M9)
Oshoma (M9) beat Kitanowaka (M16)
Kagayaki (M11) beat Endo (M8)
Midorifuji (M8) beat Bushozan (M12)
Churanoumi (M7) beat Sadanoumi (M11)
Gonoyama (M6) beat Mitakeumi (M3)
Wakamotoharu (M3) beat Kotoshoho (M4)
Atamifuji (M2) beat Ura (M5)
Nishikigi (M13) beat Oho (M2)
Takanosho (M1) beat Meisei (M6)
Tobizaru (M1) beat Shonannoumi (M5)
Wakatakakage (M7) beat Daieisho (K)
Shodai (M4) beat Hiradoumi (K)
Kirishima (S) beat Takayasu (M15)
Kotozakura (O) beat Abi (S)
Onosato (S) beat Hoshoryu (O). ONOSATO YUSHO!!! His second top tier championship! Both in the last 3 tournaments. And…Onosato Ozeki? It could be official as soon as Tuesday or Wednesday. Now the last question left-will he finish 14-1 or 13-2? We’ll find out tomorrow when he faces Abi.
Of note: RARE KIMARITE ALERT!!! Due to a judges’ reversal, Tobizaru beat Shonannoumi with a technique I’d never seen before-sokubiotoshi, head chop down. Elsewhere, while he’s now out of title contention there are worries that Takayasu suffered yet another injury in his loss today, possibly knee or leg as he went down awkwardly when the match ended. Let’s hope not. Hokutofuji came back today after missing 3 days with a knee issue and will still have a chance at promotion on the final day. At worst now a loss should mean maintaining his current rank.
With the championship settled, it’s all over but the shouting and the celebrating tomorrow, but Hoshoryu must win to maintain his full Ozeki rank as he is only 7-7. However it won’t be easy because tomorrow is the Ozeki Showdown against Kotozakura, who also struggled the second week but protected his rank today with his 8th win. Shishi will be the Juryo man up again tomorrow, likely needing a win to have a chance to move up to the top tier in November. This time he has a more favorable matchup in Kinbozan (his first appearance a couple days ago was against Takarafuji).

Oshoumi (J14) beat Daishomaru (Ms5)
Aonishiki (Ms4) beat Aoiyama (J13)
Nabatame (Ms4) beat Kiryuko (J12)
Kayo (J14) beat Takerufuji (J11)
Hakuyozan (J8) beat Tsurugisho (J7)
Daoshoho (J9) beat Shiden (J6)
Daiamami (J5) beat Daiseizan (J12)
Hakuoho (J5) beat Tomokaze (J11)
Tohakuryu (J10) beat Shimanoumi (J4)
Tamashoho (J3) beat Hidenoumi (J6)
Shishi (J2) beat Fujiseiun (J10)
Asakoryu (J8) beat Chiyoshoma (J1). TAKERUFUJI JURYO YUSHO!!! 5th career championship and 2nd Juryo. So now the question will be will 13-2 or 12-3 be enough for a top tier return in November? If 13-2 I’d say yes. If 12-3, toss-up but will depend on other results and the Isegahama pull.
Of note: I think this is truly the end for Aoiyama. Now 5-9, demotion out of Juryo seems all but certain after losing to Makushita man Aonishiki, the next hot prospect from Ukraine who, after today’s win, finishes 6-1 and has a chance to reach Juryo in November. 3 Makushita men with promotion chances at 3-3 are up tomorrow: Wakaikari at Ms2 to face Oshoumi (who will be demoted back to Makushita), Kototebakari at Ms5 (4-2, already promoted, could be the finale for Aoiyama), and Tochitaikai at Ms1 (must beat Kiryuko to be promoted to Juryo).

Reminder: NHK World Japan will have 90 minutes of LIVE top tier coverage, including the final matches, championship ceremony and champion’s interview with Onosato, tomorrow beginning at 12:30 AM PT/3:30 AM ET. Dpeending on when the requisite meetings are held, Tuesday or Wednesday is the earliest we could see Onosato promoted to Ozeki. That would mean 3 Ozeki for November and Onosato could have a chance at Yokozuna promotion for January 2025 if he can win the tournament or finish in a playoff. Don’t count on Terunofuji being back but we’ll see.

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