Sumo-September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 15 Results (Final Day) (9/22/2024) (Updated x2)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 15-the Final Day-of the September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita, Sd-Sandanme, Jd-Jonidan, Jk-Jonokuchi

Makuuchi (top tier):
Shishi (J2) beat Kinbozan (M12)
Onokatsu (M14) beat Sadanoumi (M11)
Kitanowaka (M16) beat Roga (M10)
Ryuden (M14) beat Tamawashi (M10)
Oshoma (M9) beat Bushozan (M12)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Ichiyamamoto (M9)
Hokutofuji (M13) beat Midorifuji (M8)
Takarafuji (M15) beat Endo (M8)
Churanoumi (M7) beat Nishikigi (M13)
Wakatakakage (M7) beat Takayasu (M15)
Kagayaki (M11) beat Gonoyama (M6)
Wakamotoharu (M3) beat Ura (M5)
Oho (M2) beat Shodai (M4)
Atamifuji (M2) beat Shonannoumi (M5)
Meisei (M6) beat Tobizaru (M1)
Kotoshoho (M4) beat Takanosho (M1)
Hiradoumi (K) beat Mitakeumi (M3)
Kirishima (S) beat Daieisho (K)
Abi (S) beat Onosato (S)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Kotozakura (O)
CHAMPION: Onosato (13-2)

Outstanding Performance (best record with most wins vs. Yokozuna & Ozeki): Wakatakakage
Fighting Spirit (best displays of fighting spirit/perseverance): Onosato, Nishikigi
Technique (winning record with best technique displayed and/or most different winning techniques): Onosato
If he is indeed promoted to Ozeki as expected, Onosato will finish-for now-with an astounding 8 Special Prizes in just 5 top tier tournaments. And 2 Prizes in 3 of the 5.That’s 2 Outstanding Performance, 3 Fighting Spirit and 3 Technique. Only thing he doesn’t have is any Kinboshi-he has beaten Yokozuna Terunofuji twice already, but both came when he already was in Sanyaku and not as a Maegashira.

Also of note, it’s been confirmed that Takakeisho will now become Minatogawa Oyakata following his retirement yesterday. Among former Ozeki he was the second-youngest retirement at just 28 but could have more than 35 years left to be a coach and eventually stablemaster before reaching the mandatory retirement age of 65.

Wakaikari (Ms2) beat Oshoumi (J14)
Kototebakari (Ms5) beat Aoiyama (J13)
Tochitaikai (Ms1) beat Kiryuko (J12)
Asakoryu (J8) beat Tohakuryo (J10)
Shiden (J6) beat Fujiseiun (J10)
Hidenoumi (J6) beat Daiseizan (J12)
Hakuoho (J5) beat Hakuyozan (J8)
Tomokaze (J11) beat Daiamami (J5)
Kayo (J14) beat Shimanoumi (J4)
Daishoho (J9) beat Tamashoho (J3)
Takerufuji (J11) beat Tokihayate (J2)
Tsurugisho (J7) beat Chiyoshoma (J1)
CHAMPION: Takerufuji (13-2)
The final margin was 2 wins for Takerufuji over Kayo, who surged to 2nd at 11-4 as Chiyoshoma slumped to a 1-4 finish after a 9-1 start, winding up 10-5 but still earning promotion back to the top tier. Now the question is will Takerufuji be back in the top tier too? After 13-2 with a second Juryo title at J11 plus the Isegahame influence, I would say yes. Tokihayate has a chance to go back up as does Shishi.

Playoff: Shimizuumi (Jd5) beat Daiyusho (Jd57). SHIMIZUUMI JONIDAN YUSHO!!! First Jonidan championship and second overall in 2 tournaments. Will be promoted to the Sandanme.

Makuuchi-Onosato (S). 2nd Emperor’s Cup
Juryo-Takerufuji (J11). 2nd Juryo, 5th overall
Makushita-Hatsuyama (Ms16). 1st Makushita and 1st overall
Sandanme-Kawazoe (Sd51). 1st Sandanme and 1st overall
Jonidan-Shimizuumi (Jd5). 1st Jonidan and 2nd overall (2 tournaments)
Jonokuchi-Goseizan (Jk15). 1st Jonokuchi (debut tournament)

The next tournament is November 10-24 at Fukuoka International Center in Fukuoka. More to come later this week after the usual post-tournament meetings to determine the new rankings, promotions/demotions, retirements and more significantly if Onosato will be promoted to Ozeki. Hopefully we’ll know Wednesday.

UPDATE: Myogiryu has also retired. He will cash in his elder stock and become (I believe based on translation of a Nikkan Sports report) Furiwake oyakata. He did not compete this time due to injuries and would have been demoted from Juryo (his rank was J9). He ends with a career record of 601-597-79, 495-539-31 in the top tier, 4 championships (3 Juryo, 1 Makushita), 6 Special Prizes (all Technique), 6 Kinboshi and a highest rank of Sekiwake.

UPDATE 2: It’s indeed over for Aoiyama. Retired and will become Iwatomo oyakata. Originally from Bulgaria, he became a Japanese citizen in recent years which allows him to stay in the country and also cash in his elder stock. He ends with a career record of 613-607-35 over 15 years, 504-528-33 in the top tier, 3 championships (1 Makushita, 1 Jonidan, 1 Jonokuchi), 5 Special Prizes (4 Fighting Spirit, 1 Technique), 1 Kinboshi and a highest rank of Sekiwake.

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