Sumo-September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 8 Results (Halfway Point) (9/15/2024) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 8-the Halfway Point-of the September 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo

Makuuchi (top tier):
Hokutofuji (M13) beat Nishikifuji (M17)
Nishikigi (M13) beat Kitanowaka (M16)
Onokatsu (M14) beat Bushozan (M12)
Kinbozan (M12) beat Shirokuma (M16)
Sadanoumi (M11) beat Takarafuji (M15)
Takayasu (M15) beat Kagayaki (M11)
Roga (M10) beat Ryuden (M14)
Wakatakakage (M7) beat Tamawashi (M10)
Oshoma (M9) beat Churanoumi (M7)
Midorifuji (M8) beat Meisei (M6)
Ichiyamamoto (M9) beat Gonoyama (M6)
Endo (M8) beat Shonannoumi (M5)
Kotoshoho (M4) beat Atamifuji (M2)
Oho (M2) beat Tobizaru (M1)
Hiradoumi (K) beat Takanosho (M1)
Daieisho (K) beat Abi (S)
Kirishima (S) beat Ura (M5)
Onosato (S) beat Mitakeumi (M2)
Kotozakura (O) beat Shodai (M4)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Wakamotoharu (M3)
Leader: Onosato (8-0)
Of note: Onosato clinches the first promotion of the tournament and protects his Sekiwake rank, also keeping his Ozeki hopes alive. He doesn’t need 33 wins to get promotion as it’s been done with as few as 28 wins over 3 tournaments in the past-he’s now at 29 with a championship so that works in his favor. Just behind him is Kirishima, who is keeping pace at 7-1 and could have a chance at re-promotion to Ozeki with a title. Kotozakura bounced back from a tough loss yesterday to remain in a group of 7 that are 2 off the pace at 6-2.

Daiseizan (J12) beat Kiryuko (J12)
Tohakuryu (J10) beat Oshoumi (J14)
Aoiyama (J13) beat Fujiseiun (J14)
Kayo (J14) beat Daishoho (J9)
Takerufuji (J11) beat Asakoryu (J8)
Hakuyozan (J8) beat Tomokaze (J11)
Shimanoumi (J4) beat Mitoryu (J7)
Shimazuumi (J4) beat Tsurugisho (J7)
Shiden (J6) beat Tamashoho (J3)
Tokiyahate (J2) beat Hidenoumi (J6)
Hakuoho (J5) beat Shishi (J2)
Daiamami (J5) beat Chiyoshoma (J1)
Leader: Takerufuji (8-0)
Of note: He’s back? With promotion now clinched and sole possession of the lead, it’s looking like the Takerufuji that steamrolled his way to the Emperor’s Cup in his top tier debut before the Day 14 foot/ankle injury is back and 100% again. Promotion back up from J11 is not impossible if he wins the championship again. Chiyoshoma was denied promotion by Diaamami and must try again tomorrow, remaining one off the lead.

Lower tier notes:
With Promotion Day now in the books, 8 Makushita wrestlers have clinched promotions and share the lead at 4-0. 10 Sandanme wrestlers will be promoted and are tied at 4-0. Enho, who won yesterday to clinch another promotion, is among 12 in the Jonidan at 4-0. The Jonokuchi has 2 at 4-0.

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