Sumo-July Grand Sumo Tournament Day 3 Results (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from Day 2 of the July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament from Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira; K-Komosubi; S-Sekiwake; O-Ozeki; Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo (2nd tier)
Makuuchi (Top Tier):
Chiyomaru (M17) beat Yutakayama (M16)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Oho (M15)
Onosho (M15) beat Myogiryu (M14)
Takarafuji (M12) beat Tsurugisho (M14)
Ichiyamamoto (M13) beat Terutsuyoshi (M12)
Midorifuji (M11) beat Chiyoshoma (M13)
Kotoshoho (M11) beat Chiyotairyu (M10)
Kotoeko (M9) beat Meisei (M10)
Tochinoshin (M8) beat Shimanoumi (M9)
Nishigiki (M8) beat Hokutofuji (M7)
Aoiyana (M6) beat Okinoumi (M7)
Tobizaru (M6) beat Sadanoumi (M5)
Tamawashi (M3) beat Endo (M5)
Ichinojo (M2) beat Hoshoryu (K)
Daieisho (S) beat Wakamotoharu (M4)
Wakatakakage (S) beat Ura (M3)
Abi (K) beat Mitakeumi (O)
Takakeisho (O) beat Kotonowaka (M2)
Kiribayama (M1) beat Shodai (O)
Terunofuji (Y) beat Takanosho (M1)

Gonoyama (J14) beat Takakento (Makushita 1)
Chiyosakae (J14) beat Oshoma (J12)
Hokuseiho (J13) beat Kitanowaka (J12)
Yago (J12) beat TOchimaru (J11)
Shimanoumi (J10) beat Kaisei (J11)
Churanoumi (J9) beat Kaisho (J9)
Hiradoumi 9J8) beat Enho (J8)
Kotokuzan (J7) beat Akua (J7)
Atamifuji (J6) beat Bushozan (J6)
Chiyonokuni (J5) beat TOkushoryu (J5)
Mitoryu (J4) beat Daishoho (J3)
Tohakuryu (J2) beat Asanowaka (J4)
Kagayaki (J3) beat Azumaryu (J2)
Ryuden (J1) beat Hiradoumi (J1)

Asanoyama Watch: The former Ozeki, now at Sandamne 22, is 2-0 in his comeback tournannet after picking up his second win today.

Sumo-July Grand Sumo Tournament Day 2 Results (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from Day 2 of the July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament from Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira; K-Komosubi; S-Sekiwake; O-Ozeki; Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo (2nd tier)
Makuuchi (Top Tier):
Hidenoumi (J1) beat Nishikifuji (M17)
Chiyomaru (M17) beat Daiamami (J16) by default (withdrawal)
Yutakayama (M16) beat Onosho (M15)
Oho (M15) beat Tsurugisho (M14)
Chiyoshoma (M13) beat Myogiryu (M14)
Ichiyamamoto (M13) beat Takarafuji (M12)
Kotoshoho (M11) beat Terutsuyoshi (M12)
Midofiruji (M11) beat Meisei (M10)
Chiyotairyu (M10) beat Shimanoumi (M9)
Nishigiki (M8) beat Kotoeko (M9)
Okinoumi (M7) beat Tochinoshin (M8)
Hokutofuji (M7) beat Tobizaru (M6)
Aoiyama (M6) beat Endo (M5)
Wakamotoharu (M4) beat Sadanoumi (M5)
Ura (M3) beat Abi (K)
Tamawashi (M3) beat Wakatakakage (S)
Ichinojo (M2) beat Daieisho (S)
Takakeisho (O) beat Hoshoryu (K)
Takanosho (M1) beat Shodai (O)
Kotonowaka (M2) beat Mitakeumi (O)
Terunofuji (Y) beat Kiribayama (M1)
WITHDRAWAL: Daiamami (M16). Left ankle injury. Return uncertain

Juryo (2nd tier):
Oshoma (J13) beat Gonoyama (J14)
Hokuseiho (J13) beat Chiyosakae (J14)
Kaisei (J11) beat Yago (J12)
Kitanowaka (J11) beat Tochimaru (J12)
Kaisho (J9) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Churanoumi (J9) beat Enho (J8). Notable in that the win was by the rare “sokubiotoshi” technique (head chop down)
Hiradoumi (J8) beat Akua (J7)
Bushozan (J6) beat Kotokuzan (J7)
Chiyonokuni (J5) beat Atamifuji (J6)
Mitoryu (J4) beat Tokushoryu (J5)
Kagayaki (J3) beat Asanowaka (J4)
Daishoho (J3) beat Tohakuryu (J2)
Ryuden (J1) beat Azumaryu (J2)

Note from the lower tiers: In his first match since returning from a 1 year suspension (6 tournaments) for coronavirus protocol violations and dishonesty in the subsequent investigation, former Ozeki Asanoyama, now at Sandanme 22, was a winner against Goshimaru (Sandanme 22) by “yorikiri” (frontal force out). My guess if he consistently racks up winning records and/or lower titles is the soonest he could return to the top tier is probably May 2023. That assumes he wins 5+ matches this tournament, which should get him to Makushita, then he will need similar in at least 1 but probably 2 Makushita tournaments to reach Juryo, then at least 2 12+ win tournaments in Juryo to return to Maegashira.

Sumo-July Grand Sumo Tournament Day 1 Results (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from Day 1 of the July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament from Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira; K-Komosubi; S-Sekiwake; O-Ozeki; Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo (2nd tier)
Makuuchi (Top Tier):
Ryuden (J1) beat Chiyomaru (M17)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Daiamami (M16)
Yutakayama (M16) beat Oho (M15)
Tsurugisho (M14) beat Onosho (M15)
Myogiryu (m14) beat Takarafuji (M12)
Chiyoshoma (M13) beat Tetutsuyoshi (M12)
Ichiyamamoto (M13) beat Midorifuji (M11)
Meisei (M10) beat Kotoshoho (M11)
Kotoeko (M9) beat Chiyotairyu (M10)
Nishigiki (M8) beat Shimanoumi (M9)
Tochinoshin (M8) beat Hokutofuji (M7)
Tobizaru (M6) beat Okinoumi (M7)
Aoiyama (M6) beat Sadanounmi (M5)
Endo (M5) beat Wakamotoharu (M4)
Hoshoryu (K) beat Ura (M3)
Tamawashi (M3) beat Daieisho (S)
Ichinojo (M2) beat Wakatakakage (S)
Kotonowaka (m2) beat Shodai (O)
Mitakeumi (O) beat Takanosho (M1)
Kiribayama (M1) beat Takakeisho (O)
Abi (K) beat Terunofuji (Y). 2nd straight opening day loss for Terunofuji, last time he went on to win the tournament.
WITHDRAWAL: Takayasu (M4). Coronavirus. Out for the tournament

Gonoyama (J14) beat Chiyosakae (J14)
Oshoma (J13) beat Hokuseiho (J13)
Kitanowaka (J12) beat Yago (J12)
TOchimaru (J11) beat Kaisei (J11). Kaisei appeared to suffer a neck/shoulder injury.
Churanoumi (J9) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Enho (J8) beat Kaisho (J9)
Hiradoumi (J8) beat Kotokuzan (J7)
Bushozan (J6) beat Akua (J7)
Tokushoryo (J5) beat Atamifuji (J6)
Mitoryu (J4) beat Chiyonokuni (J5)
Asanowaka (J4) beat Daishoho (J3)
Kagayaki (J3) beat Tohakuryu (J2)
Azumaryu (J2) beat Hidenoumi (J1)
WITHDRAWAL: Ishiura (J10). Unknown but likely injury. This will be the 2nd straight tournament he misses if he does not return and likely would be demoted to Makushita as he will have missed the equivalent of 2 1/2 straight tournaments.

Early Day 2 UPDATE: Daiamami (M16) has WITHDRAWN. Details to come after I watch the NHK World Japan replay late tonight. (UPDATE: Left ankle injury. Return uncertain)

Sumo-July Banzuke Announced

With the July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya less than 2 weeks away, the Banzuke for July 2022 has been announced, which is as follows (going forward I’ll only be doing the top 2 tiers, to do the entire thing is too time consuming):
Makuuchi (Top 5 rankings):
Yokozuna: Terunofuji (May Tournament Champion)
Ozeki-Mitakeumi (K), Shodai (K), Takakeisho
Sekiwake-Wakatakakage, Daieisho
Komosubi-Hoshoryu, Abi
Maegashira 1-Kiribayama, Takanosho
Maegashira 2-Kotonowaka, Ichinojo
Meegashira 3-Tamawashi, Ura
Maegashira 4-Wakamotoharu, Takayasu
Maegashira 5-Endo, Sadanoumi
Maegashira 6-Aoiyama, Tobizaru
Maegashira 7-Okinoumi, Hokutofuji
Maegashira 8-Tochinoshin, Nishigiki
Maegashira 9-Shimanoumi, Kotoeko
Maegashira 10-Chiyotairyu-Meisei
Maegashira 11-Kotoshoho, Midorifuji
Maegashira 12-Terutsuyoshi, Takarafuji
Maegashira 13-Ichiyamamoto, Chiyoshoma
Maegashira 14-Myogiryu, Tsurugisho
Maegashira 15-Onosho, Oho
Maegashira 16-Yutakayama, Daiamami
Maegashira 17-Nishikifuji (Debut), Chiyomaru
Terunofuji will be going for his second straight championship, 4th as Yokozuna, 8th Emperor’s Cup (top tier championship) and 11th overall Championship.
Nishikifuji is making his top tier debut after being the Juryo champion in May, being promoted from Juryo 6.
Both Mitakeumi and Shodai are in Kadoban Status as Ozeki, meaning if one or both lose 8 or more matches this tournament they will be demoted from Ozeki. This is only the 3rd tournament at Ozaki for Mitakeumi. Technically this is the second straight Kadoban tournament for Shodai, he was Kadoban in March but finished with a winning record.
The last time Sanyaku stayed the same in terms of wrestlers for sonecutive tournaments was November 2020 & January 2021. The only changes this time were Daieisho is promoted to Sekiwake while Abi is demoted to Komodubi.
If Wakatakakage can finish with at least 9 wins, ideally 10 or more, he has a chance at promotion to Ozeki in September. Wakatakakage won the March tournament with 12 wins and finished with 9 wins in May, so 9 wins give him the 30 minimum over 3 consecutive tournaments required for Ozeki promotion.
Daiamami is back in the top tier after a year.

Juryo 1-Ryuden, Hidenoumi
Juryo 2-Azumaryu, Tohakuryu
Juryo 3-Kagayaki, Daishoho
Juryo 4-Asanowaka, Mitoryu
Juryo 5-Chiyonokuni, Tokushoryu
Juryo 6-Atamifuji, Bushozan
Juryo 7-Akua, Kotokuzan
Juryo 8-Hiradoumi, Enho
Juryo 9-Kaisho, Churanoumi
Juryo 10-Shimazuumi, Ishiura
Juryo 11-Kaisei, Tochimaru
Juryo 12-Kitanowaka, Yago
Juryo 13-Oshoma (May Makushita Champion), Hokuseiho
Juryo 14-Chiyosakae, Gonoyama (name change from Nishikawa)
Ryuden probably was one win away in May from returning to the top tier. He’ll be back in September with a winning record.
Oshoma is the first rikishi from Naruto Beya to reach Juryo.
Chiyosakae is the 4th oldest rikishi to make his Juryo debut post-World War 2 at 31 years, 11 months.

Gonoyama, who changed his name from Nishikawa after the May tournament, is making his Juryo debut. He was the January Makushita champion.
In notable items from the lower ranks, former Ozeki Asanoyama, who has completed his 1 year suspension for coronavirus protocol violations and dishonesty during subsequent investigations, should be back and will begin his climb back up to the top tier from the rank of Sandamne 22. The last time an Ozeki fell this low or even lower and climbed all the way back up? Terunofuji, who made it to Yokozune.
For the second straight tournament there are only 90 Sandanme ranks instead of the normal 100.
At the bottom of the banzuke, there are 109 ranks in the Jonidan (218 total wrestlers) and 20 ranks (40 total wrestlers) in the Jonokuchi.
Kamitani, the May Sandanme Champion, made a massive leap up from Sandanme 29 to Makushita 19. May Jonidan Champion Kototebakari likewise zooms up from Jonidan 21 to Sandanme 27 while May Jonokuchi champion Kazekeno is at Jonidan 49 after winning his Debut tournament at Jonokuchi 22, the bottom rank of the lowest division.

The July Tournament begins on July 10.

Grand Sumo-May Tournament Champions

Posting daily results was too much for me to keep up with, apologies for nothing after the first 2 days, but the May Grand Sumo Tournament is now complete. Here are the final results:
Emperor’s Cup Winner/Makuuchi Champion-Terunofuji (Yokozuna), 12-3. 7th Career Makuuchi Championship. 10th Overall Career Championship.
Juryo Champion-Nishikifuji (Juryo 6), 11-4. 4th Career Championship. 1st Juryo Championship. Won playoff for championship
Makushita Champion-Oshoma (Makushita 8), 7-0. 1st Career Championship.
Sandanme Champion-Kamitani (Sandanme 29, 7-0). 1st Career Championship
Jonidan Champion-Kototebakani (Jonidan 21, 7-0). 2nd Career Championship. 1st Jonidan Championship
Jonokuchi Champion-Kazekeno (Jonokuchi 22, 6-1). 1st Career Championship. Won in Debut Tournament

Special Prices (Makuuchi):
Outstanding Performance (Most wins against Yokozuna & Ozeki by non-Ozaki or Yokozuna rank)-Daieisho, Takanosho
Fighting Spirit-Sadanoumi
Technique (most different winning techniques)-None

Side notes: There were 4 wrestlers with a chance at the title in the final day. Ura (9-4-2) was also in it until Day 14 when he was forced to withdraw due to an ankle injury.
2 of the 3 Ozaki-Shodai and Mitakeumi-will be in Kadoban status in July, meaning if they do not have a winning record, they will be demoted. Takakeisho was only saved from Kadoban today with a win over Shodai, finishing 8-7. This is the first time since November 2020 Mitakeumi finishes a tournament with a losing record., he went 6-9 in his second tournament as an Ozaki.
With 1 championship and 21 wins in his last 2 tournaments, Sekiwake Wakatakagake will have a chance for promotion to Ozaki in the next tournament if he can either win the tournament or finish with at least 10 wins.
Abi will be demoted from Sekiwake due to finishing with a 7-8 record. Daieisho should be promoted back to Sekiwake. Hoshoryu should remain at Komosubi thanks to an 8-7 record. This is the first losing tournament for Abi since he returned from a 3-tournament suspension in March 2021.
It was an excellent tournament for Isegahama Beya as they took the top two championships.
Former Ozeki Asanoyama should be eligible to return in July as he has finished a 1 year (6 tournament) suspension for violating coronavirus safety protocols and dishonesty in subsequent investigations. He will probably fall down to the Sandanme in the July Banzuke as he was Makushita 42 this tournament. The last Ozeki to fall this far down? Terunofuji, and he fell all the way down to Jonidan for one tournament and has had just one losing record since (March, when he had to withdraw after Day 5 due to injury). And now he is Yokozuna.

The next tournament is the July tournament from 7/10-7/24 at Aichi Prefectural Gym in Nagoya.

Sumo-May Tournament Day 2 Results (5/9/22)

Here are quick results from Day 2 of the May Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo (Note to abbreviations: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo):

Makuuchi (Top tier):
1-Midorifuji (M16, 1-1) beat Kagayaki (M17, 1-1)
2-Ichiyamamoto (M15, 2-0) beat Kotokuzan (M17, 0-2)
3-Oho (M14, 1-1) beat Azumaryiu (M15, 0-2)
4-Yutakayama (M14, 1-1) beat Meisei (M13, 1-1)
5-Myogiryu (M12, 2-0) beat Chiyotairyu (M13, 0-3)
6-Chiyoshoma (M11, 1-1) beat Sadanoumi (M12, 1-1)
7-Aoiyama (M11, 2-0) beat Okinoumi (M12, 1-1)
8-Nishikigi (M10, 1-1) beat Tochinoshin (M9, 0-2)
9-Kotoshoho (M9, 1-1) beat Shimanoumi (M8, 0-2)
10-Kotoeko (M7), 2-0) beat Tetutsuyoshi (M8, 1-1)
11-Ura (M6, 1-1) beat Takaradfuji (M7, 0-2)
12-Tobizaru (M5, 2-0) beat Wakamotoharu (M5, 1-1)
13-Onosho (M5, 2-0) beat Endo (M4, 1-1)
14-Takanosho (M4, 1-1) beat Daieisho (K, 1-1)
15-Tamawashi (M3, 2-0) beat Wakatakakage (S, 1-1)
26-Abi (S, 1-1) beat Hokutofuji (M3, 0-2)
17-Hoshoryu (K, 1-1) beat Mitakeumi (O, 1-1)
18-Takakeisho (O, 1-1) beat Kiribayama (M2, 1-1)

19-Kotonowaka (M2, 2-0) beat SHodai (O, 0-2)
20-Terunofuji (Y, 1-1) beat Takayasu (M1, 0-2)
Absent: Ichinojo (M1, 0-0-2), Ishiura (M16, 0-0-2)

1-Churanoumi (J14, 2-0) beat Chiyoarashi (J13, 0-2)
2-Takakento (J14, 1-1) beat Tochimaru (J13, 1-1)
3-Hiradoumi (J11, 2-0) beat Atamifuji (J12, 1-1)
4-Shohozan (J11, 1-1) beat Daishomaru (J12, 0-2)
5-Bushozan (J10, 1-1) beat Kaisho (J9, 0-2)
6-Shimazuumi (J10, 2-0) beat Kaisei (J9, 1-1)
7-Asanowaka (J8, 1-1) beat Enho (J7, 1-1)
8-Tokushoryu (J8, 2-0) beat Yago (J7, 0-2)
9-Daiamami (J6, 1-1) beat Kitanowaka (J5, 0-2)
10-Nishikifuji (J6, 2-0) beat Daishoho (J5, 1-1)
11-Mitoryu (J3, 1-1) beat Tohakuryu (J4, 0-2)
12-Ryuden (J3, 2-0) beat Akua (J4, 1-1)
13-Chiyomaru (J2, 2-0) beat Tsurugisho (J1, 1-1)
14-Hidenoumi (J1, 1-1) beat Chiyonokuni (J2, 0-2)
Absent: None

In lower tier notes, there was another Makushita withdrawal ahead of tomorrow’s Day 3 meaning whoever was to have faced Makushita 27 Chiyooga will get a free victory. If nothing changes, we’ll start seeing a Sandanme man in Makushita each day the rest of the way.

Sumo-May 2022 Tournament Day 1 Results (5/8/22-Top 2 Rankings)

Here are quick results from the Opening Day of the May Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo (Note to abbreviations: M-Maegashira, K-Komosubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo):

Makuuchi (Top Tier):
1-Kagayaki (M17, 1-0) beat Kotokuzan (M17, 0-1)
2-Ichiyamamoto (M15, 1-0) beat Midorifuji (M16, 0-1)
3-Yutakayama (M14, 1-0) beat Azumaryu (M15, 0-1)
4-Meisei (M13, 1-0) beat Oho (M14, 0-1)
5-Sadanoumi (M12, 1-0)) beat Chiyotairyu (M13, 0-1)
6-Myogiryu (M12, 1-0) beat Chiyoshoma (M11, 0-1)
7-Aoiyama (M11, 1-0) beat Nishigiki, M10, 0-1)
8-Okinoumi (M10, 1-0) beat Tochinoshin (M9, 0-1)
9-Terutsuyoshi (M8, 1-0), beat Kotoshoho (M9, 0-1)
10-Kotoeko (M7, 1-0) beat Sadanoumi (M8, 0-1)
11-Wakamotoharu (M6, 1-0) beat Takarafuji (M7, 0-1)
12-Tobizaru (M5, 1-0) beat Ura (M6, 0-1)
13-Onosho (M5, 1-0) beat Takanosho (M4, 0-1)
14-Endo (M4, 1-0) beat Hoshoryu (K, 0-1)
15-Tamawashi (M3, 1-0) beat Abi (S, 0-1)
16-Wakatakakage (S, 1-0) beat Hokutofuji (M3, 0-1)
17-Kotonowaka (M2, 1-0) beat Takakeisho (O, 0-1)
18-Kiribayama (M2, 1-0) beat Shodai (O, 0-1)
19-Mitakeumi (O, 1-0) beat Takayasu (M1, 0-1)
20-Daieisho (K, 1-0) beat Terunofuji (Y, 0-1). This is the second straight tournament where Daieisho beat Terunofuji. Last time Daieisho was an M1 and thus earned his 4th career Kinboshi (Gold Star Victory, awarded when a Maegashira beats a Yokozuna).
Absent-Ichinojo (M1, coronavirus, 0-0-1), Ishiura (M16, injury, 0-0-1) (Note: For rankings purposes, each Absent day is treated as a loss)

1-Churanoumi (J14, 1-0) beat Takakento (J14, 0-1)
2-Tochimaru (J13, 1-0) beat Chiyoarashi (J13, 0-1)
3-Atamifuji (J12, 1-0) beat SHohozan (J12, 0-1)
4-Hiradoumi (J11, 1-0) beat Daishomaru (J11, 0-1)
5-Shimazuumi (J10, 1-0) beat Bushozan (J10, 0-1)
6-Kaisei (J9, 1-0) beat Kaisho (J9, 0-1)
7-Tokushoryu (J8, 1-0) beat Asanowaka (J8, 0-1)
8-Enho (J7, 1-0) beat Yago (J7, 0-1)
9-Nishiikifuji (J6, 1-0) beat Daiamami (J6, 0-1)
10-Daishoho (M5, 1-0) beat Kitanowaka (J5, 0-1)
11-Akua (J4, 1-0) beat Tohakuryu (J4, 0-1)
12-Ryuden (J3, 1-0) beat Mitoryu (J3, 0-1)
13-Tsurugisho (J2, 1-0) beat Chiyonokuni (J2, 0-1)
14-Chiyomaru (J1, 1-0) beat Hidenoumi (J1, 0-1)
Absent: None

Sumo-May Tournament Early Withdrawals

The May Grand Sumo Tournament starts Sunday in Tokyo and the first 2 days’ matches are set, but more significantly there already are 2 withdrawals in Makuuchi (top tier): Ichinojo (Maegashira 1) and Ishiura (Maegashira 16) have withdrawn pre-tournament. Isiura missed most of March with injury and didn’t win after returning late, so if he misses at least half the tournament, his M16 ranking means he probably will be demoted to Juryo for July. Ichinojo was in position to return to Sanyaku with a winning record, how far he would drop if he misses the whole thing depends on how others perform. Based on recent precedent, my guess is he’d drop to maybe an M6.

No withdrawals yet at the lower ranks but former Ozeki Asanoyama probably will be out as I believe he has one tournament left on his 1-year suspension for violating coronavirus safety protocols during the tournament a year ago.

Grand Sumo-May 2022 Banzuke

It’s that exciting time again for Grand Sumo fans-we are now less than 2 weeks away from the next tournament and thus the new Banzuke for May 2022 has just been announced.

Among the highlights:
Few changes at the top of Makuuchi (top tier), no Kadoban Ozeki this time. March champion Wakatakakage & Abi remain at Sekiwake. Hoshoryu remains at Komusubi and is joined by Daieisho, the January 2021 champion. March runner-up Takayasu makes a big move up from Maegashira 7 to Maegashira 1 as he tries to get back to Sekiwake, and is joined by Ichinojo. Kotonowaka also continues his big climb up, now at Maegashira 2 after a 2nd straight 11-4 performance
On the down side, the biggest drop was Meisei, who seemed to struggle with lingering injuries and had a terrible March, going 1-14 and finishing dead last. He plunges from Maegashira 1 to Maegashira 13. Ura also saw his rocket run out of steam as despite a late rally of sorts, he still falls from Maegashira 1 to Maegashira 6. Ishiura missed most of the tournament due to injury and fell all the way down to Maegashira 16.
Newcomers/returns include Oho, back for a second try in the top tier at Maegashira 14, a personal best. Midorifuji returns to top tier after spending the last year at Juryo, coming in at Maegasira 16. And finally, for the first time in over 2 years Azumaryu is back in the top tier, coming back at Maegashira 15 after being in Juryo since July 2020.
In the Juryo (second tier), March champion Ryuden, coming off his second championship in 3 tournaments (and nearly 3 straight, he won Makushita in November and lost in January on the final day), is one good performance away from returning to the top tier and will be a Juryo 3, so 9-10 wins should have him back up top in July. Chiyomaru is a Juryo 1 after demotion from the top tier along with Hidenoumi, up from a Juryo 2. Akua was demoted from the top tier as well and will be a Juryo 4. After a winning performance, everyone’s favorite underdog, Enho, moves up to Juryo 7 as he tries to put on more weight and climb back up to the top tier (he is the smallest rikishi at just over 220 pounds/100 kg). Former Sekiwake Kaisei continues a slow slide down the ranks as he falls down to Juryo 9. It’s been 5 straight losing tournaments fror the huge Brazilian wrestler, who also missed 3 matches in January due to injury.
In the Makushita (third tier), March champion Kinbozan, originally from Kazakhstan, goes for his 3rd championship in just his 4h career tournament. He made a big leap from Makishuta 34 to Makushita 4 and will likely be a Juryo Man in July with a winning record. He’s won 8 straight matches overall and has just 2 losses to date. Chiyonoumi, trying to make it back to Juryo after a year down, is a Makushita 1 along with Nishikawa, the January champion who beat Ryuden on the final day to win the title but struggled to just a 4-3 record in March. Popular elder statesman Akiseyama, trying to climb back to the top tier after a steep drop due to coronavirus outbreaks, is up to Makushita 8 this time. Also watch Shishi, a Makushita 7 who will again be a huge sentimental favorite and receive loud ovations from the crowd because he is from Ukraine. There will be one Makushita pre-tournament dropout as former Ozeki Asanoyama serves what should be the final tournament of his 1-year (6 tournament) suspension for breaking coronavirus safety protocols and not being truthful about it. He is a Makushita 42 so if he comes back in July he’ll start his climb back to the top from the Sandanme, the 3rd lowest division.
In addition to the usual 200 in the Sandanme, the no-firm-limit Jonidan division will have roughly 224 participants this time, while the bottom tier Jonokuchi division has 44 entrants.

The May 2022 Tournament runs from 5/8-5/22 at Ryogoku Kokugikan in Tokyo. Fans outside Japan can watch the entire tournament in English on NHK World Premium, available through participating cable/satellite providers. You can also watch the daily highlights program with all top tier matches on NHK World Japan, available on participating cable providers plus online and via smartphone and smart TV apps. The online and app versions are 100% FREE to watch with no login or account required and no viewing restrictions. You’ll also be able to find streams/replays on YouTube and the official Nihon Sumo Kyokai mobile app (remember that to watch more than one video a day on the app you have to subscribe to their premium membership, which is about $5 a month).

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