Sumo-July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 4 Results (7/17/24) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 4 of the July 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, Y-Yokozuna, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Roga (M15) beat Nishikifuji (M17)
Wakatakakage (M14) beat Bushozan (M16)
Kagayaki (M16) beat Endo (M14)
Churanoumi (M12) beat Takarafuji (M13)
Ichiyamamoto (M11) beat Asnaoyama (M12)
Hokutofuji (M13) beat NIshikigi (M11)
Midorifuji (M10) beat Oshoma (M9)
Shodai (M10) beat Ryuden (M8)
Tamawashi (M9) beat Kinbozan (M8)
Oho (M6) beat Sadanoumi (M7)
Takanosho (M6) beat Onosho (M5) by default/withdrawal
Kotoshoho (M7) beat Shonannoumi (M5)
Ura (M4) beat Atamifuji (M1)
Daieisho (K) beat Kirishima (S)
Hiradoumi (K) beat Onosato (S)
Meisei (M1) beat Abi (S)
Tobizaru (M4) beat Takakeisho (O)
Gonoyama (M3) beat Hoshoryu (O)
Kotozakura (O) beat Wakamotoharu (M2)
Terunofuji (Y) beat Mitakeumi (M2)
Leader: Terunofuji (4-0)
WITHDRAWAL: Onosho (M5). Right knee. Out at least 3 weeks with surgery possible. Tournament over. Will finish the equivalent of 0-15.
WITHDRAWAL (Day 5): Asanoyama (M12). Left knee injury suffered today. Happened at the end when his knee went down badly at the end of the match against Ichiyamamoto. Torn ACL per Nikkan Sports. Tournament and, most likely, year over. While it depends on if surgery is needed, likely out at least 6 months. That would almost certainly see him demoted back down to Makushita. Midorifuji gets the fusen tomorrow.

Kiiryuko (Ms1) beat Fujiseiun (J14)
Hakuoho (J13) beat Hakuyozan (J12)
Tsushimanada (J12) beat Nabatame (J14)
Aoiyama (J11) beat Kayo (J13)
Shishi (J10) beat Tochitaikai (J11)
Hidenoumi (J9) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Myogiryu (J8) beat Chiyosakae (J9)
Shirokuma (J8) beat Shimanoumi (J6)
Tamashoho (J6) beat Shiden (J7)
Tomokaze (J7) beat Tsurugisho (J6)
Daishoho (J4) beat Tohakuryu (J5)
Asakoryu (J4) beat Daiamami (J2)
Mitoryu (J3) beat Tokihayate (J1)
Onokatsu (J1) beat Kitanowaka (J3)
Leader: Asakoryu, Onokatsu (4-0)

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