Sumo-July 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 10 Results (7/18/23) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 10 of the July 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (Top tier):
Shonannoumi (M14) beat Bushozan (M16)
Gonoyama (M13) beat Takarafuji (M15)
Aoiyama (M17) beat Kotoshoho (M13)
Endo (M16) beat Chiyoshoma (M12)
Hakuoho (M17) beat Kotoeko (M11)
Ryuden (M15) beat Myogiryu (M10)
Takanosho (M9) beat Daishoho (M14)
Tsurugisho (M11) beat Sadanoumi (M8)
Kinbozan (M10) beat Takayasu (M7)
Hokutofuji (M9) beat Tamawashi (M7)
Nishikifuji (M8) beat Oho (M6)
Shodai (M2) beat Hokuseiho (M6)
Nishikigi (M1) beat Meisei (M3)
Midorifuji (M3) beat Tobizaru (M1)
Mitakeumi (M2) beat Abi (K)
Onosho (M5) beat Wakamotoharu (S)
Daieisho (S) beat Hiradoumi (M5)
Kotonowaka (K) beat Hoshoryu (S)
Kirishima (O) beat Ura (M4)
Leader: Nishikigi, Hokutofuji (9-1)
Of note: It’s looking likely we’ll have a new first-time champion as among the 5 with 8-9 wins only Daieisho has a top tier title. Nishikigi is having a career-best run while Hokutofuji has been here before although he faded down the stretch. Endo has nicely bounced back from a May injury. Konotowaka beating Hoshoryu was a huge upset as Hoshoryu had won 10 straight in their series (Kotonowaka’s only win before was in their first ever meeting). In streaking, Ryuden has now won 6 straight since an 0-4 start while Takayasu has lost 5 straight since a 5-0 start. Also a side note on Mitakeumi-his father died shortly before this tournament began so that may clearly be affecting his performance. He did win today although he will be demoted. Kirishima picked up win 4 in a tough match against Ura, pilling roughly even since a late start due to injury but still needing to go 4-1 or better for a winning record.
Ozeki Watch: Only Daieisho won today, so the magic number for Daieisho is now 4. Hoshoryu also remains at 4 while Wakamotoharu is still at 5 but now must win out to have any chance at promotion this time as that would get him to exactly 33.
Lots of big matches tomorrow that will shake up the leaderboards: Nishikigi-Endo, Hokutofuji-Wakamotoharu, and Daieisho-Kirishima. Hoshoryu gets Tamawashi.
As for the rookies, Hakuoho & Shonannoumi go for promotions tomorrow as both improved to 7-3. Hakuoho gets Takayasu, maybe catching the slumping former Ozeki at a good time. Shonannoumi gets a taste of Sanyaku as he will face Kotonowaka.

Shishi (J12) beat Kotokuzan (Ms4)
Yuma (J14) beat Chiyomaru (J11)
Hidenoumi (J12) beat Chiyosakae (J10)
Kiho (J13) beat Daiamami (J9)
Tomokaze (J9) beat Shiden (J13)
Takakento (J8) beat Tsushimanada (J11)
Akua (J8) beat Chiyonoumi (J14)
Tohakuryu (J4) beat Shimanoumi (J10)
Ichiyamamoto (J3) beat Churanoumi (J7)
Hakuyozan (J7) beat Shimazuumi (J3)
Roga (J2) beat Oshoma (J4)
Azumaryu (J6) beat Mitoryu (J2)
Kagayaki (J1) beat Kitanowaka (J5)
Atamifuji (J1) beat Tamashoho (J5)
Leader: Daiamami, Tomokzae (8-2)
Of note: Tomokaze clinched promotion today with a win, as he tries to get back to the top tier for the first time since 2019, when he reached M3 before he was demoted all the way to Jonidan after being out for more than a year. He has had only 2 losing tournaments since and now has 8 wins in 3 straight tournaments. He finished 8-7 the last 2 times. 4 are at 7-3 including Kagayaki & Atamifuji, who both are now a win away from returning to the top tier. Juryo rookie Kiho (Kawazoe) is also on the verge of staying in Juryo as he is also 7-3. But the 3:10 to Yuma may be departing tomorrow as rookie Yuma is at 3-7, staving off demotion back to Makushita with a win today but he must go 5-0 to stay Juryo. Tsushimanada also will be demoted with 8 losses now. Ichiyamamoto won again to go to the equivalent of 2-8 so he now almost certainly is staying in Juryo despite demotion from J3 after missing the first week due to injury.

Lower tier notes: Makushita is down to the Final 4 at 5-0, so tomorrow’s matches should set up the Championship match on Day 13. Tokihayate is among them at Ms1 so he’ll look to head to Juryo as champion and maybe a bigger move up the rankings. The Sandanme has 5 at 5-0 and may need a playoff depending on how things play out. The Jonidan has 6 at 5-0 and also may require a playoff. The 2 remaining 5-0 in Jonokuchi will face off tomorrow meaning the winner only needs to win his final match to be champion while the loser still has a chance for a playoff rematch. Only 4 others still have a chance for a playoff at 4-1. (A look at the standings also shows that, even though he retired, Ishiura was still ranked at Jonokuchi 15 this time. He would have dropped off the rankings after this due to being absent)

Side note: It will he interesting to see if there is a day-end closing ceremony with the bow-twirling performance the rest of the way because Satonofuji, the wrestler who performs it every day, has withdrawn from the tournament starting tomorrow (Day 11). Performance-wise, he was just demoted and being near the bottom of the Jonidan could see the 46-year-old demoted to Jonokuchi as he will finish the equivalent of 1-6. For the curious, he has never made it above the Sandanme in his 27-year career.

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