Injury Report: The Going Around Gets More

Pro Wrestling NOAH has announced changes to this weekend’s events, to include a special CyberFight joint event with the promotions under the umbrella-Ulka Sasaki is now off these events. The always vague poor health (likely illness). He will miss an autograph session tomorrow and Sunday’s NOAH event in Tokyo. On Sunday he was to have teamed with Takashi Sugiura & Kazuyuki Fujita to face Masa Kitamiya, Mohammed Yone & Shuji Kondo. Kondo has been removed from the match to make it a tag match, and will now be moved into Match 2, which was supposed to be Tadasuke vs. Black Menso-re but will now be a 3-way. Sasaki should be back for the next event after this on 2/8.

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