Sumo-July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 14 Results (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from Day 14 of the July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament from Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira; K-Komusubi; S-Sekiwake; O-Ozeki; Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo (2nd tier)
Makuuchi (Top tier)
Onosho (M15) beat Nishikifuji (M17)
Ryuden (J1) beat Myogiryu (M4).RYUDEN JURYO YUSHO!
Asanowaka (J4) beat Terutsuyoshi (M12)
Takarafuji (M12) beat Hidenoumi (J1)
Midorifuji (M11) beat Oho (M15)
Kagayaki (J3) beat Shimanoumi (M9)
Yutakayama (M16) beat Okinoumi (M7)
Chiyoshoma (M13) beat Aoiyama (M6)
Sadanoumi (M5) beat Chiyomaru (M17)
Ura (M3) beat HOkutofuji (M7)
Meisei (M10) beat Ichinojo (M2)
Kiribayama (M1) beat Wakamotoharu (M4)
Hoshoryu (K) beat Tochinoshin (M8)
Abi (K) beat Chiyotairyu (M10)
Wakatakakage (S) beat Takakeisho (O)
Shodai (O) beat Terunofuji (Y)
Leader: Terunofuji (11-3), Ichinojo (11-3), Takakeisho (10-4). IT’S NOT OVER YET! Shodai gave us a very exciting final day! The key matches tomorrow are Ichinojo first vs. Ura. Then in the final match of the tournament it’s Terunofuji vs. Takakeisho. If Ichinojo wins, Terunofuji must win to force a playoff vs. Ichinojo for the championship-if Takakeisho wins, Ichinojo is the champion. If Ichinojo loses, Terunofuji is the champion for the 2nd straight tournament with a win, but if Takakeisho wins, we would have a 3-WAY PLAYOFF! Takakeisho cannot win the championship outright (there are no tiebreakers in sumo for championships).

Hokuseiho (J13) beat Gonoyama (J14)
Kanno (Makushita 2) beat Kaisei (J11)
Tochimaru (J11) beat Roga (Makushita 2)
Akua (J7) beat Chiyosakae (J14)
Kotokuzan (J7) beat Kamito (Makushita 3)
Kitanowaka (J12) beat Atamifuji (J6)
Churanoumi (J9) beat Bushozan (J6)
Hiradoumi (J8) beat Chiyonokuni (J5)
Tokushoryu (J5) beat Yago (J12)
Enho (J8) beat Mitoryu (J5)
Leader: Ryuden (12-2). It’s over because second place Hokuseiho is 10-4. Ryuden is the Juryo Champion! It’s his second Juryo championship (the first came in March) and 7th overall. He now has a title in every division except the top tier. He will stay in Makuuchi tomorrow and face Takarafuji in his final match, which might make his promotion even better and add anothe rank or two to his jpmp.

Lower tier notes:
Everything is settled except Jonokuchi. There are just 2 matches there tomorrow, then we should have a playoff between Kazuto & Takahashi, both 6-1, for the championship.

Early Day 15 UPDATE: There may not be a Jonokuchi champion. No champion is listed.
The Special Prizes for the top tier are as follows:
Outstabnding Performance: Ichinojo
Fighting Spirit: Nishikifuji, CONDITIONALLY
Technique: TBA if any

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