Sumo-July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 7 Results (7/16/22)

Here are the quick results from Day 7 of the July 2022 Grand Sumo Tournament from Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira; K-Komosubi; S-Sekiwake; O-Ozeki; Y-Yokozuna; J-Juryo (2nd tier)
Makuuchi (Top tier):
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Yutakayama (M16)
Oho (M15) beat Kagayaki (J3)
Tsurugisho (M14) beat Chiyomaru (M17)
Ichiyamamoto (M13) beat Daiamami (M16)
Onosho (M15) beat Takarafuji (M12)
Midorifuji (M11) beat Myogiryu (M14)
Kotoshoho (M11) beat Chiyoshoma (M13)
Chiyotairyu (M10) beat Meisei (M10)
Kotoeko (M9) beat Okinoumi (M7)
Aoiyama (M6) beat SHimanoumi (M9)
Tochinoshin (M8) beat Sadanoumi (M5)
Hokutofuji (M7) beat Endo (M5)
Wakamotoharu (M4) beat Tobizaru (M6)
Kotonowaka (M2) beat TObizaru (M3)
Daieisho (S) beat Kiribayama (M1)
Wakatakakage (S) beat Takanosho (M1) by default/withdrawal
Shodai (O) beat Ichinojo (M2)
Abi (K) beat Takakeisho (O)
Hoshoryu (K) beat Mitakeumi (O) by default/withdrawal
Terunofuji (Y) beat Ura (M3)
WITHDRAWAL: Takanosho (M1). Foot/ankle injury. Return uncertain.
Leader: Ichinojo (6-1)

Juryo (2nd tier):
Chiyosakae (J14) beat Tochimaru (J11)
Hokuseiho (J13) beat Kaisei (J11)
Shimazuumi (J10) beat Yago (J12)
Churanoumi (J9) beat Gonoyama (J14)
Oshoma (J13) beat Kaisho (J9)
Kotokuzan (j7) beat Kitanowaka (J12)
Bushozan (J6) beat Enho (J8)
Hiradoumi (J8) beat Atamifuji (J6)
Akua (J7) beat Tokushoryu (J5)
Tohakuryu (J2) beat Chiyonokuni (J5)
Azumaryu (J2) beat Daishoho (J3)
Hidenoumi (J1) beat Asanowaka (J4)
Ryuden (J1) beat Mitoryu (J4)
Leader: Hiradoumi (6-1)

Lower tier notes: 5 Makushita have earned promotion with 4-0 records so far, including Kinbozan (Makushita 1), who will be making his Juryo debut in September as likely the first rikishi from Kazakhstan to do so.
Asanoyama Watch: The former Ozeki, now at Sandanme 22, went to 4-0 and earned promotion with a win today. At least one more win should be enough to get him up to Makushita in September. He is one of 6 in the Sandanme who have earned promotion at 4-0. 5 in the Jonidan have promotions now along with one in the Jonokuchi.
In the top 2 tiers, Day 9 is now the earliest anyone can clinch promotion/winning records or demotion/losing records.

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