Sumo-July 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 3 Results (7/11/23) (Top 2 Tiers) (Updated)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 3 of the July 2023 Grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, Y-Yokozuna, J-Juryo

Makuuchi (Top Tier):
Atamifuji (J1) beat Aoiyama (M17)
Takarafuji (M15) beat Hakuoho (M17)
Bushozan (M16) beat Ryuden (M15)
Endo (M16) beat Shonannoumi (M14)
Gonoyama (M13) beat Daishoho (M14)
Choyoshoma (M12) beat Kotoshoho (M13)
Myogiryu (M10) beat Taurugisho (M11)
Kinbozan (M10) beat Kotoeko (M11)
Nishikifuji (M8) beat Hokutofuji (M9)
Sadanoumi (M8) beat Takanosho (M9)
Tamawashi (M7) beat Oho (M6)
Takayasu (M7) beat Hokuseiho (M6)
Ura (M4) beat Onosho (M5)
Asanoyama (M4) beat Hiradoumi (M5)
Abi (K) beat Meisei (M3)
Kotonowaka (K) beat Mitakeumi (M2)
Daieisho (S) beat Midorifuji (M3)
Nishikigi (M1) beat Hoshoryu (S)
Shodai (M2) beat Wakamotoharu (S)
Tobizaru (M1) beat Terunofuji (Y). KINBOSHI!!! The second career Gold Star Victory for Tobizaru!
Leader: 6 at 3-0
RE-ENTRY: Kirishima (O). Will return tomorrow after withdrawing last-minute on Day 1 (back/rib injury). Was expected to be out 3 weeks but will give it a go. If he competes every day from here on, he will need to go 8-4 to avoid kadoban status in September. He will have an 0-1-2 record and will face Kotonowaka tomorrow.
Of note: Somehow the final match was mot briefly stopped as Terunofuji all but pulled off Tobizaru’s mawashi during the match, but The Flying Monkey did this think and avoided the yokozuna’s signature double armbar grip and wore Terunofuji down enough to force him out. That’s 2 straight losses for Terunofuji, who will try to right the ship-and avoid handing out a 3rd straight Kinboshi and send seat cushions flying in the crowd (they really went all out today after being subdued yesterday)-tomorrow against Shodai (who has 1 career Kinboshi). Elsewhere it was growing pains day for the rookies as 2 of the 3 newcomers took their first loss-only Gonoyama won.
Ozeki Watch-2 of the 3 Sekiwake also took their first loss but Daieisho went to 3-0 so his magic number is now 8. Hoshoryu & Wakamotoharu remain at 10. Daieisho is also among 6 who are tied for the lead at 3-0. But Daieisho gets the tough draw tomorrow in Nishikigi, who has won 12 straight since starting May 0-6. Wakamotoharu gets Midorifuji, who is always tricky despite being 0-3, while Hoshoryu gets Mitakeumi who is also 0-3.

Shiden (J13) beat Chiyonoumi (J14)
Kiho (J13) beat Yuma (J14)
Chiyomaru (J11) beat Hidenoumi (J12)
Shishi (J12) beat Shimanoumi (J10)
Chiyosakae (J10) beat Tsushimanada (J11)
Tomokaze (J9) beat Akua (J8)
Daiamami (J9) beat Takakento (J8)
Churanoumi (J7) beat Azumaryu (J6)
Kitanowaka (J6) beat Hakuyozan (J7)
Oshoma (J4) beat Tamashoho (J5)
Tohakuryu (J4) beat Ichiyamamoto (J3)
Shimazuumi (J3) beat Mitoryu (J2)
Kagayaki (J1) beat Roga (J2)
Leader: 4 at 3-0

UPDATE: Terunofuji has WITHDRAWN from Day 4. Hernia (lumbar disc). Out 1 month. So done for July but should be back in September.

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