New Japan 12/7/22 Results

New Japan ran the penultimate day of the Super Jr. Tag League today, with the top spot(s) still very much up for grabs. Only 3 teams at most were out of it coming in.

Today’s event was held at Sasebo City General Ground Gym in Nagasaki and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 668.

Match 1: Oskar Leube & Kosei Fujita beat Ryohei Oiwa & Yuto Nakashima. Fujita pinned Oiwa.

Match 2: El Desperado, Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki beat Gedo, Taiji Ishimori & Bad Luck Fale. Suzuki pinned Gedo after a Gotch-style piledriver.

Match 3: Hiromu Takahashi, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito beat Master Wato, Tomoaki Honma, Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi. Takagi pinned Honma after Pumping Bomber.

Super Jr. Tag League:
Match 4: Francesco Akira & TJP beat Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA. TJP pinned Knight after 2/2.
Match 5: Lio Rush & Yoh beat Clark Connors & Ryusuke Taguchi. Yoh pinned Taguchi after 3K.
Match 6: DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru beat Dick Togo & Sho. DOUKI beat Togo with Italian Stretch 32.
Match 7: Titan & BUSHI beat Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask. Titan pinned TM 4 after a swan dive missile kick.
Main Event: El Lindaman & Alex Zayne beat Chris Bey & Ace Austin. Zayne pinned Austin after SAUCE HEARTS SPECIAL.

The current standings have a 5-way tie for the lead now: Yoh/Rush, Zayne/Lindaman, Akira/TJP, Titan/BUSHI, Austin/Bey. It sounds like the top 2 teams make the Finals next week, so here are the Finals scenarios:
The BUSHI/Titan-Yoh/Rush and TJP/Akira-Austin/Bey winners, assuming there are winners, are in. Zayne/Lindaman are in if they beat Kanemaru/DOUKI. Time limit draws or no contests could complicate things as well as tiebreakers but barring an upset, the most likely scenario seems to be a 3-way tiebreaker unless Kanemaru/DOUKI win. Then it’s simple.

The final day is Saturday. The next event is Friday at Kochi Prefectural Gym in Kochi with World Tag League Day 8. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 2 AM PT/5 AM ET.

New Japan 12/5/22 Results (Updated)

New Japan ran Day 7 of the World Tag League today, making their first visit to the Karatsu region of Japan in 25 years.

Today’s event was held at Karatsu City Cultural Gym in Saga and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 1091.

Match : Bad Luck Fale beat Oskar Leube.

Match 2: SANADA & Tetsuya Naito beat Ryohei Oiwa & Tomoaki Honma. SANADA pinned Oiwa.

Match 3: DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado beat Kosei Fujita, Master Wato & Ryusuke Taguchi. DOUKI beat Fujita with Italian Stretch 32.

Match 4: Titan. BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Shingo Takagi beat Gedo, Chris Bey, Ace Austin & Taiji Ishimori. Takagi pinned Gedo after Pumping Bomber.

World Tag League:
Match 5: Gabriel Kidd & Alex Coughlin beat Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL. Coughlin pinned Takahashi with Blockbuster Hold.
Match 6: Aussie Open beat Great-O-Khan & Aaron Henare. Mark Davis pinned Henare after Corealis.
Match 7: YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto beat Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki. Goto pinned Suzuki after Shoto.
Main Event: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi beat Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls. Tanahashi pinned Nicholls after High Fly Flow. Afterwards, Tanahashi did an epic air guitar and much more to send the crowd home happy.

1-Aussie Open, 7-1, 14 pts
2-YOSHI-HASHI/Goto, 5-2, 10 pts
3-Haate/Nicholls, 5-2, 10 pts
4-SANADA/Naito, 5-2, 10 pts
5-Yano/Tanahashi, 4-3, 8 pts
6-Khan/Henare, 4-3, 8 pts
7-Archer/Suzuki, 3-4, 6 pts
8-Chase Owens/Fale, 2-7, 4 pts (OUT-WITHDRAWN)
9-Kidd/Coughlin, 1-6, 2 pts (OUT)
10-Takahashi/EVIL, 1-6, 2 pts (OUT)
At this point it’s Aussie Open’s to lose. At worst it would be tiebreakers. Their final match is Haste/Nicholls.

Day 8 is Friday. The next event is Wednesday at Sasebo City General Ground Gym in Nagasaki with the Super Jr. Tag League. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 1:30 AM PT/4:30 AM ET.

UPDATE: The attendance was later updated to note it was a legit sellout.

New Japan 12/4/22 Results

New Japan ran Day 7 of the Super Jr. Tag League today, beginning the final stretch of the tournament.

Today’s event was held at KDDI Ishin Hall in Yamaguchi and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 931.

Match 1: Oskar Leube & Ryohei Oiwa beat Kosei Fujita & Yuto Nakashima. Oiwa pinned Fujita.

Match 2: Master Wato, Tomoaki Honma & YOSHI-HASHI beat Gedo, Taiji Ishimori & Bad Luck Fale. YOSHI-HASHI beat Gedo with Butterfly Lock.

Match 3: Hiromu Takahashi, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito beat El Desperado, Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki. Naito pinned Suzuki after a Takagi Pumping Bomber.

Super Jr. Tag League:
Match 4: Chris Bey & Ace Austin beat Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA. Bey pinned Knight.
Match 5: Clark Connors & Ryusuke Taguchi beat Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask. Taguchi pinned TM 4.
Match 6: Titan & BUSHI beat Dick Togo & Sho. BUSHI pinned Togo after Angel Immortar.
Match 7: Lio Rush & Yoh beat El Lindaman & Alex Zayne. Yoh beat Zayne with 5 Star Clutch.
Main Event: DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru beat Francesco Akira & TJP. DOUKI pinned Akira with Suplex De La Luna.

1-Austin/Bey, 6-1, 12 points
2-Akira/TJP, 5-2, 10 pts
3-BUSHI/Titan, 5-2, 10 pts
4-Lindaman/Zayne, 5-2, 10 pts
5-Rush/Yoh, 5-2, 10 pts
6-Taguchi/Connors, 3-4, 6 pts (OUT)
7-DOUKI/Kanemaru, 2-5, 4 pts (OUT)
8-Eagles/TM 4, 2-5, 4 pts (OUT)
9-Knight/KUSHIDA, 1-6, 2 pts (OUT)
10-Togo/Sho, 1-6, 2 pts (OUT)

Day 8 is Saturday. The next event is tomorrow at Karatsu City Cultural Gym in Saga with Day 6 of the World Tag League. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 1:30 AM PT/4:30 AM ET. The World Tag League runs over the next 3 events.

New Japan 12/3/22 Results

New Japan continued the World Tag League today with Day 6 of the tournament, preparing to enter the home stretch as the field of contenders further narrows down.

Today’s event was held at Kakogawa City Gym in Hyogo and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 933. Vocal cheering was allowed today so 50% capacity limit.

Match 1: Bad Luck Fale beat Ryohei Oiwa.

Match 2: Shane Haste & Mikey Nhicolls beat Oskar Leube & Kosei Fujita. Haste pinned Fujita after Dynamic Bomb.

Match 3: DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado beat Gedo, Ace Austin & Taiji Ishimori. Kanemaru pinned Gedo after a moonsault press.

Match 4: Titan, BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Shingo Takagi beat Kevin Knight, Master Wato, KUSHIDA & Tomoaki Honma. Takagi pinned Honma after Pumping Bomber.

World Tag League:
Match 5: Aussie Open beat Gabriel Kidd & Alex Coughlin. Mark Davis pinned Kidd after Corealis.
Match 6: YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto beat Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan. Goto pinned Henare after Shoto.
Match 7: Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL beat Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki. Takahashi pinned Suzuki.
Main Event: SANADA & Tetsuya Naito beat Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi. Naito pinned Yano after Destino.

1-Aussie Open, 6-1, 12 pts
2-SANADA/Naito, 5-2, 10 pts
3-Haste/Nicholls, 5-2. 10 pts
4-YOSHI-HASHI/Goto, 4-2, 8 pts
5-Khan/Henare, 4-3, 8 pts
6-Suzuki/Archer, 3-3, 6 pts
7-Yano/Tanahashi, 3-3, 6 pts
8-Fale/Chase Owens, 2-7, 4 pts (OUT/WITHDRAWN)
9-Takahashi/EVIL, 1-5, 2 pts (OUT)
10-Kidd/Coughlin, 0-6, 0 pts (OUT)

Day 7 is Monday. The next event is tomorrow at KDDI Ishin Hall in Yamaguchi with the Super Jr. Tag League. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 3 AM ET/midnight PT.

New Japan 12/2/22 Results

New Japan continued the Super Jr. Tag League & World Tag League today with both tournaments running together. There was a change to the World Tag League as Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale have withdrawn from the tournament because Owens had to return home to the USA due to a death in his family. Their remaining opponents get forfeit wins as a result.

Today’s event was held at Osaka Central Gym Sub Arena in Osaka and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 945.

The matches today alternated between both tournaments so the results are grouped together instead of in match order.

Super Jr. Tag League:
DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru beat Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA. Kanemaru pinned Knight after Touch Out.
Dick Togo & Sho beat Lio Rush & Yoh. Sho pinned Yoh after Shock Arrow. This lasted just 18 seconds.
Chris Bey & Ace Austin beat Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask. Austin pinned TM 4 after The Fold.
El Lindaman & Alex Zayne beat Titan & BUSHI. Zayne pinned BUSHI after Taco Driver.
Francesco Akira & TJP beat Clark Connors & Ryusuke Taguchi. TJP pinned Connors after 2/2.

World Tag League:
Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi beat Gabriel Kidd & Alex Coughlin. Tanahashi pinned Kidd after High Fly Flow.
Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan beat Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL. Henare pinned Takahashi after Streets Of Rage.
Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls beat Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki. Nicholls pinned Suzuki. This lasted just 100 seconds.
SANADA & Tetsuya Naito beat Aussie Open. Naito pinned Kyle Fletcher after Destino.
YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto beat Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale by forfeit (withdrawal).

The Super Jr. Tag League now has 3 tied for the lead at 5-1, 10 pts: Akira/TJP, Austin/Bey. Zayne/Lindaman. The World Tag League has 2 tied for the lead at 5-1, 10 pts: Aussie Open and Haste/Nicholls (both had not faced Owens/Fale yet so they get the free win). Yujiro/EVIL and Kidd/Connors are now OUT assuming the leader at the end wins.

The next event is tomorrow at Kakogawa City Gym in Hyogo with the World Tag League. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at midnight PT/3 AM ET.

BREAKING: World Tag League Team Out (Updated)

Breaking development ahead of tomorrow’s New Japan event: The World Tag League has seen a shakeup…New Japan just announced on their Japanese website that Chase Owens and Bad Luck Fale are now OUT of the tournament. Owens had to return to the US due to a family emergency and will be out the rest of the tournament. Owens & Fale were 2-2 with 4 points so far and still were in contention, but now must forfeit their remaining matches.

Upcoming cards will be changed. Each team that had not faced Owens & Fale in the tournament get a free win and 2 points in the standings.

UPDATE: On their official English Twitter, New Japan just announced Owens is out due to a death in his family. I join in sending my deepest condolences to Owens and his family.

New Japan 11/30/22 Results

New Japan continued the World Tag League today with Day 4 of the heavyweight tag team tournament.

Today’s event was held at Twin Messe Shizuoka North Hall in Shizuoka and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 498.

Match 1: Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima beat Ryohei Oiwa & Tomoaki Honma. Nakashima pinned Oiwa.

Match 2: DOUKI, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & El Desperado beat Kosei Fujita, Clark Connors & Master Wato. Kanemaru beat Fujita with a figure 4.

Match 3: Titan, BUSHI, Hiromu Takahashi & Shingo Takagi beat Gedo, Chris Bey, Ace Austin & Taiji Ishimori. Takagi pinned Gedo after Pumping Bomber.

World Tag League:
Match 4: Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale beat Gabriel Kidd & Alex Coughlin. Owens pinned Coughlin after a package piledriver.
Match 5: Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki beat Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan. Archer pinned Henare after Blackout.
Match 6: Aussie Open beat Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL. Kyle Fletcher pinned Takahashi after Corealis.
Match 7: Shane Haste & Mikey Nocholls beat SANADA & Tetsuya Naito. Nicholls pinned SANADA after Tank Buster.
Main Event: Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi beat YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto. Tanahashi pinned YOSHI-HASHI after High Fly Flow. Afterwards, Tanahashi & Yano did an air guitar duet to send the crowd home happy.

1-Aussie Open, 4-0, 8 pts
2-Archer/Suzuki, 3-1, 6 pts
3-Haste/Nicholls, 3-1, 6 pts
5-Yano/Tanahashi, 2-2, 4 pts
5-YOSHI-HASHI/Goto, 2-2, 4 pts
6-Naito/SANADA, 2-2, 4 pts
7-Khan/Henare, 2-2, 4 pts
8-Fale/Owens, 1-3, 2 pts
9-Coughlin/Kidd, 0-4, 0 pts
10-Takahashi/EVIL, 0-4, 0 pts

The next event is Friday at Osaka Municipal Gym Sub Arena in Osaka with Day 5 of the World Tag League and Day 6 of the Super Jr. Tag League. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 2 AM PT/5 AM ET.

New Japan News: Next KOPW Stips Presented

At a press conference today broadcast on YouTube, KOPW 2022 Trophy holder Shingo Takagi and Taichi presented their proposed tules for their upcoming match at the next TakaTaichi Produced event on 12/19 at Yoyogi National Stadium Gym 2 in Tokyo, which will be available as a PPV on New Japan World. Takagi was late which forced Taichi to read YouTube comments at the start.

The proposed rules are as follows:
Taichi-30 Minute High Score Match. Every referee count would go towards a point total. After 30 minutes, most points wins.
Takagi-Last Man Standing Lumberjack Match. Only way to win is a 10 count down after a pinfall.

Fan voting for the stip on Twitter is now open and will remain open until 4 AM PT/7 AM ET Friday. The announcement of the winning stip should come Saturday. Also revealed for the event is TAKA Michinoku vs. Hiromu Takahashi, which will be a gimmick match centered around TAKA attempting to escape the Nameless Hiromu Roll, which has failed every time as Takahashi made a jackpot bigger and bigger-last time we heard of it said jackpot was approaching around $7500 US (1 million Japanese yen).

The video of the presser can be watched below (in Japanese via the New Japan World YouTube channel):

New Japan 11/28/22 Results

New Japan continued the Super Jr. Tag League today with Day 5, the halfway point of the tournament.

Today’s event was held at Nagano Sports Park General Gym in Nagano and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 498.

Match 1: Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls beat Oskar Leube & Yuto Nakashima. Nicholls pinned Leube after Mikey Bomb.

Match 2: Aaron Henare, Great-O-Khan & Aussie Open beat Kosei Fujita, Ryohei Oiwa, Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi. Henare pinned Oiwa after Rampage.

Match 3: El Desperado, Taichi, Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki beat Hiromu Takahashi, SANADA, Shingo Takagi & Tetsuya Naito. Taichi beat Takagi with a Taichi-type Gedo Clutch.

Super Jr. Tag League:
Match 4: Clark Connors & Ryusuke Taguchi beat Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA. Connors pinned Knight after Trophy Kill.
Match 5: Francesco Akira & TJP beat Dick Togo & Sho. TJP pinned Togo after 2/2.
Match 6: El Lindaman & Alex Zayne beat Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask. Zayne pinned TM 4 after Cinnamon Twist.
Match 7: Titan & BUSHI beat DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru. Titan pinned DOUKI after Angel Immortar.
Main Event: Lio Rush & Yoh beat Chris Bey & Ace Austin. Rush pinned Bey after Final Hour.

Standings will be posted after Day 6 but 5 teams are now tied for the lead at 4-1. On the flip side. Togo/Sho and DOUKI/Kanemaru are all but eliminated at 0-5.

Day 6 is Thursday. The next event is Wednesday at Twin Messe Shizuoka North Hall in Shizuoka with Day 4 of the World Tag League. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 1:30 AM PT/4:30 AM ET.

New Japan 11/27/22 Results

New Japan continued the World Tag League and Super Jr. Tag League today with both tournaments running at today’s event. The matches alternated between tournaments so everybody was in action.

Today’s event was held at Aichi Prefectural Gym in Nagoya and can be watched on demand on New Japan World.

The announced paid attendance was 1911. Vocal cheering was allowed so capacity was reduced to probably in the 2500-3000 range.

Super Jr. Tag League:
Titan & BUSHI beat Kevin Knight & KUSHIDA. Titan pinned Knight after Angel Immortar.
El Lindaman & Alex Zayne beat Dick Togo & Sho. Lindaman pinned Togo with a German suplex hold.
Chris Bey & Ace Austin beat Clark Connors & Ryusuke Taguchi. Bey pinned Taguchi.
Lio Rush & Yoh beat DOUKI & Yoshinobu Kanemaru. Rush pinned DOUKI after Final Hour.
Francesco Akira & TJP beat Robbie Eagles & Tiger Mask. Akira pinned TM 4 after 2/2.

World Tag League:
Aaron Henare & Great-O-Khan beat Gabriel Kidd & Alex Coughlin. Henare pinned Kidd after Streets Of Rage.
Aussie Open beat Lance Archer & Minoru Suzuki. Kyle Fletcher pinned Suzuki after Corealis.
Toru Yano & Hiroshi Tanahashi beat Chase Owens & Bad Luck Fale. Tanahashi pinned Fale.
Shane Haste & Mikey Nicholls beat Yujiro Takahashi & EVIL. Nicholls pinned EVIL after Thunder Valley.
YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto beat SANADA & Tetsuya Naito. Goto pinned SANADA after Shoto.

Super Jr. Tag League:
1-Bey/Austin, 4-0, 8 pts
2-Rush/Yoh, 3-1, 6 pts
3-Lindaman/Zayne, 3-1, 6 pts
4-BUSHI/Titan, 3-1, 6 pts
5-Akira/TJP, 3-1, 6 pts
6-Eagles/TM 4, 2-2, 4 pts
7-KUSHIDA/Knight, 1-3, 2 pts
8-Taguchi/Connors, 1-3, 2 pts
9-DOUKI/Kanemaru, 0-4, 0 pts
10-Togo/Sho, 0-4, 0 pts

World Tag League:
1-Aussie Open, 3-0, 6 pts
2-Goto/YOSHI-HASHI, 2-1, 4 pts
3-Naito/SANADA, 2-1, 4 pts
4-Khan/Henare, 2-1, 4 pts
5-Haste/Nicholls, 2-1, 4 pts
6-Archer/Suzuki, 2-1, 4 pts
7-Tanahashi/Yano, 1-2, 2 pts
8-Owens/Fale, 1-2, 2 pts
9-Kidd/Connors, 0-3, 0 pts
10-Takahashi/EVIL, 0-3, 0 pts

The next event is tomorrow at Nagano Athletic Park Gym in Nagano with Day 5 of the Super Jr. Tag League. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 1:30 AM PT/4:30 AM ET.

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