All-Japan 6/10/24 Results (Updated)

All-Japan ran their own Noto Peninsiula earthquake recovery fundraiser event today, separate from the recent and upcoming ALL TOGETHER events which they have not been part of this time around.

Today’s event was held at Nanao City Tazuruhama Gym in Ishikawa and will be available on demand on AJPW.TV either tonight or tomorrow morning. There was no live broadcast.

The paid attendance has not been announced.

Match 1: Jun & Rei Saito beat Hokuto Omori & Kumaarashi. Jun Saito pinned Omori after a jackhammer.

Match 2: Shotaro Ashino beat Seigo Tachibana by submission.

Match 3: Suwama, Dan Tamura & Seiki Yoshioka beat Ren Ayabe, Hideki Suzuki & Fuminori Abe. Suwama pinned Abe after Last Ride.

Main Event: Yuma Anzai, Ryuki Honda & Rising Hayato beat Kento Miyahara, Yuma Aoyagi & MUSASHI (Michinoku Pro). Anzai pinned MUSASHI after Gimlet.

The next event is 6/24 at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo with the only match announced so far being Anzai vs. Suzuki for the Triple Crown. Live streaming on AJPW.TV will begin at 2:30 AM PT/5:30 AM ET.

6/14 UPDATE: You can now watch this event FOR FREE on YouTube:

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