Dragon Gate continued the Rey De Parejas yesterday with the penultimate matches of the preliminary round.
Yesterday’s event was held at Atelier Hineji in Hyogo and can be watched on demand on DRAGONGATE NETWORK.
The announced paid attendance was 325.
Match 1: Luis Mante beat U-T.
Match 2; KAI, Gianni Valetta & Homare beat Ben-K, JACKY KAMEI & Riiita. Valetta pinned Riiita after a King Kong kneedrop.
Match 3: Genki Horiguchi beat Madoka Kikuta.
Match 4: Rey De Parejas Block B: Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Hyo beat Masaaki Mochizuki & Akihiro Sahara. Hyo pinned Sahara after Samson Driver.
Match 5: Rey De Parejas Block A: Yuki Yoshioka & Dragon Dia vs. ISHIN & Yoshiki Kato went to a double countout. No points.
Match 6: Susumu Yokosuka, Kagetora & Naruki Doi (Independent/Freelancer) beat Shun Skywalker, Kota Minoura & Jason Lee by DQ. Minoura DQ’d. Z-Brats interference & ref assault.
Main Event: Rey De Parejas Block B: YAMATO & BxB Hulk beat Strong Machine J & Kzy. YAMATO pinned J after Omniscient & Omnipotent Frankensteiner. As a result, Kuroshio & Hyo win Block B and will advance to the Semifinals (the 2nd place team in each block also will advance). 2nd place will be determined over the remaining matchups-if YAMATO/Hulk win tomorrow (Mochizuki/Sahara) it will depend on if Skywalker/Homare beat Mochizuki/Sahara at a later date because Skywalker/Homare beat YAMATO/Hulk so they have the presumptive tiebreaker. YAMATO/Hulk would advance over J/Kzy. J/Kzy beat Skywalker/Homare. If YAMATO/Hulk lose, J/Kzy will advance on tiebreaker over Skywalker/Homare.Block A is unsettled because 2 teams have 2 matches left.
The next event is tomorrow at Sangyo Gym in Tottori. There will be no live or on demand broadcast, but the Rey De Parejas matches will be available on demand FOR FREE on YouTube at some point.