Injury Report: The Cyrus Virus (Updated)

Sometimes the puns are…yeah…but might be accurate as All-Japan announced Cyrus is now out of action. The always-vague poor health. Out Saturday and, because he can’t travel to Japan as a result, out of the Champions Carnival. He was to have been in a battle royal Saturday. No replacement. For the Champions Carnival, replacement TBA.

More as it becomes available.

UPDATE: All-Japan has now announced another change for Saturday-MUSASHI is now off. Acute gastroenteritis. He was to have defended the All-Japan World Junior Heavyweight Championship against Seiki Yoshioka. That match will be POSTPONED to a later date. The first match has been changed from a tag match to a 6-man tag with Yoshioka and Kuroshio TOKYO Japan added and Yuma Aoyagi & Davey Boy Smith Jr. have been removed from a planned battle royal and will now face each other in a single match instead.

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