Dragon Gate 1/7/23 Results

Beginning this site’s expanded coverage of the promotion, Dragon Gate Pro Wrestling began their 2023 today with the opening event of the Open The New Year Gate 2023 Tour.

Today’s event was held at Osaka Prefectural Gym 2 in Osaka and can be watched on demand on DRAGONGATE NETWORK.

The announced paid attendance was 500. Vocal cheering was allowed meaning reduced capacity.

Match 1; Don Fujii, Kaito Nagano, Naruki Doi & Yoshiki Kato beat Masaaki Mochizuki, Susumu Mochizuki, Mochizuki Jr. & Yasushi Kanda. Kato pinned Mochizuki Jr. after Bloodfall.

Match 2: Eita beat Ryu Fuda by submission.

Match 3: Ultimo Dragon, Jason Lee & Strong Machine J beat Genki Horiguchi, Punch Tominaga & Ho Ho Lun. J pinned Tominaga after Demon Windfall.

Match 4: Kzy & BIGBOSS Shimizu beat Ichikawa & Shachihoko BOY. Shimizu beat Ichikawa with a giant swing.

Match 5: KAI, BxB Hulk & ISHIN beat Dragon Kid, Takashi Yoshida & Problem Dragon. ISHIN pinned Dragon after Capital Punishment.

Match 6: Minorita & Dragon Dia beat H-Y-O & JACKY “FUNKY” KAMEI. Minorita pinned H-Y-O after Minoritanic.

Main Event: Madoka Kikuta & Diamante beat Yuki Yoshioka & Kota Minoura. Kikuta pinned Minoura after a high-speed piledriver.

The next event is tomorrow at Kyoto KBS Hall in Kyoto. Live streaming on DRAGONGATE NETWORK will begin at midnight PT/3 AM ET.

FREE VIDEO: Dragon Gate 12/6/22, Korakuen Hall (LIMITED TIME)

Dragon Gate’s streaming service, DRAGONGATE NETWORK, offered a free live broadcast of their big event today at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. If you missed it or currently don’t subscribe, the video is now available on demand FOR FREE! But hurry to watch as it’s only available until 2 PM PT/5 PM ET Monday (12/12) .

Click below to watch:

DRAGONGATE NETWORK is a subscription service available worldwide featuring live and on demand broadcasts of Dragon Gate events, related media and more. It’s on the higher-priced end of the Japanese wrestling streaming services though, currently it’s 1650 yen per month (around $12-13 US). This is a great opportunity to try before you buy-like all the services, monthly subscription fees are always charged on the 1st of the month so the start of the month is the best time to subscribe. You can also usually watch the opening segment and first match of events FOR FREE on YouTube.

Coverage of Dragon Gate on this site is forthcoming and will begin in January 2023z

Pro Wrestling NOAH 11/11/22 Results

For the second half of Global 2days, Pro Wrestling NOAH and Dragon Gate Pro Wrestling ran a special cross-promotional event full of matches with both promotions facing off against each other. No title matches but no doubt a lot of pride on the line.

Today’s event was held at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo and can be watched on demand on WRESTLE UNIVERSE.

The announced paid attendance was 1209. This is the highest Korakuen number I’ve seen period, or at worst the second-highest, since the pandemic began, which is outstanding. It meant no vocal support but that’s still close to double what has been “normal” the last couple years (Under normal circumstances, this would be 55-60% of the venue’s max capacity).

Match 1: Yoshiki Inamura, Yasutaka Yano & Kai Fujimura beat Madoka Kikuta, Ryu Fuda & Mochizuki Jr. Inamura pinned Fuda after Oklahoma Stampede. On an interesting side note, Mochizuki Jr. is the real-life son of NOAH & Dragon Gate wrestler Masaaki Mochizuki.

Match 2: In a timed-entry 5-way elimination match, Manabu Soya & ISHIN beat Mohammed Yone & BIGBOSS Shimizu, Ben-K & Minorita, Eita & Super Crazy and Susumu Michizuki & Yasushi Kanda. When one member of a team was eliminated, their partner was as well. Order of elimination: Mochizuki/Kanda by Yone/Shimizu, Eita/Crazy by multiple teams, Ben-K/Minorita by Soya/ISHIN, Yone/Shimizu by Soya/ISHIN. Eliminations were by pinfall, submission or over the top rope.

Match 3: Kzy, JACKY “FUNKY” KAMEI & YO-HEY beat Ryo Saito, Genki Horiguchi & NOSAWA Rongai. Kzy pinned NOSAWA.

Match 4; Satoshi Kojima beat Konomama Ichikawa. Likely a comedy match (it was short).

Match 5: Atsushi Kotoge, Dante Leon & Punch Tominaga beat UT, Jason Lee & Strong Machine J. Leon pinned Lee after Inferno. Strong Machine J is another second-generation wrestler, he is the son of former New Japan Pro Wrestling veteran Super Strong Machine.

Match 6: YAMATO beat Seiki Yoshioka.

Match 7: AMAKUSA (Haoh) & Takuma Fujiwara beat Shun Skiywalker & Tadasuke. AMAKUSA pinned Tadasuke.

Match 8: Dragon Kid, Alejandro, Dragon Dia, Ninja Mack & Extreme Tiger beat BxB Hulk, H-Y-O, Diamante (not the US female wrestler who has competed in All Elite Wrestling), Hajime Ohara & Hi69. Mack pinned H-Y-O after Ninja Bomb.

Main Event: Kenoh & Kota Minoura beat Kaito Kiyomiya & Yuki Yoshioka. Kenoh pinned Kiyomiya after Ring Of Fire.

Before this event, I had previously decided I was going to add more Dragon Gate coverage to the site in the near future, and now I have decided that will start in January 2023. Dragon Gate is what I consider to be the #4 promotion in Japan, and is very popular with younger fans for it’s emphasis on Jr. Heavyweight style fast & furious action and also faction warfare being very integral to the promotion. It previously branched out to the USA in the late 2000s & early 2010s but ultimately failed after a strong start due to lack of support on the US side among other things. Among notable DG alumni competing elsewhere now is Shingo Takagi, who has been in New Japan Pro Wrestling for a few years and was the rare heavyweight in the promotion and has become one of the top wrestlers in Japan over the last two years.

The next event is NOAH the BEST 2022 on 11/23 at Yoyogi National Stadium Gym 2 in Tokyo. Live streaming on WRESTLE UNIVERSE in English will begin on 11/22 at 10 PM PT/1 AM ET.

DEVELOPING: NOAH/Dragon Gate Crossover Event Coming

During the Dragon Gate Pro Wrestling event today in Osaka, several Pro Wrestling NOAH Jr. Heavyweight wrestlers appeared to announce a special joint event between the promotions with full cooperation of Dragon Gate. No further details were announced but in keeping with Dragon Gate’s mostly lighter weight roster expect Jr. Heavyweights to be the focus.

More as it becomes available.

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