Sumo-January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 10 Results (1/21/25) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 10 of the January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Nishikigi (M12)
Tokihayate (M17) beat Onokatsu (M12)
Midorifuji (M11) beat Kagayaki (M16)
Meisei (M10) beat Tamashoho (M16)
Churanoumi (M9) beat Kotoshoho (M13)
Oshoma (M9) beat Hakuoho (M15)
Shonannoumi (M13) beat Takarafuji (M8)
Takerufuji (M11) beat Ichiyamamoto (M6)
Shodai (M4) beat Mitakeumi (M7)
Oho (M3) beat Tamawashi (M10)
Endo (M7) beat Atamifuji (M2)
Takanosho (M1) beat Takayasu (M6)
Kirishima (M1) beat Chiyoshoma (M5)
Abi (K) beat Kinbozan (M14)
Wakatakakage (K) beat Tobizaru (M2)
Wakamotoharu (S) beat Ura (M4)
Onosato (O) beat Gonoyama (M3)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Daieisho (S)
Kotozakura (O) beat Hiradoumi (M5)
Leader: Kinbozan (9-1)
Of note: No zensho yusho. Kinbozan’s perfect hopes ended where various hopes seem to-at the hands of Abi. But he’s still got the lead with 5 days to go. Oho & Takerufuji clinched promotions and joined Chiyoshoma, who lost today, in a tie for second at 8-2. Kirishima’s winning streak since starting 0-3 has now reached 7 and he’s in position to return to Sanyaku in March. At the bottom, Kotoshoho & Mitakeumi are the first demotions this time around, and it’s possible Kotoshoho may be dealing with another foot/ankle injury as he went down a little awkward.
Yokozuna Watch: Still a faint sliver of hope for Hoshoryu thanks to Kinbozan’s loss today, which gets him to 2 back at 7-3. He needs more help tomorrow, and it ironically could come from a fellow Ozeki as Onosato, who is also 7-3, gets Kinbozan tomorrow. Hoshoryu has Chiyoshoma.

Nabatame (J14) beat Hatsuyama (J12)
Hitoshi (Ms4) beat Tohakuryu (J11)
Kotoeiho (J13) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Kiryuko (J12) beat Hakuyozan (J10)
Daiseizan (J9) beat Daiamami (J11)
Mitoryu (J8) beat Daishoho (J14)
Wakaikari (J13) beat Shirokuma (J4)
Shishi (J4) beat Oshoumi (J9)
Ryuden (J3) beat Fujiseiun (J8)
Tsurugisho (J3) beat Hidenoumi (J6)
Shiden ()2) beat Tochitaikai (J7)
Tomokaze (J6) beat Asakoryu (J2)
Aonishiki (J1) beat Sadanoumi (J5)
Kayo (J1) beat Shimanoumi (J5)
Leader: Wakaikari, Aonishiki, Shishi (9-1)
Of note: The 3 co-leaders will be down to 2 and maybe one tomorrow because Wakaikari faces Shishi as the potential all-Ukraine championship match still looms. Aonishiki gets Asakoryu. Elsewhere, Ryuden will now have a chance at promotion back to the top tier as he’s reached 8 wins, but probably needs at least 2 more. Tsurugisho managed to get his first win today which should save his Juryo spot but Shimanoumi is in danger of demotion as he’s now 0-10. And Hakuyozan…ouch, just ouch. Started 5-0, now 5-5. With his 5th win as a Makushita man, Hitoshi will have a chance at promotion back to Juryo in March. Winning his final match should do it for sure. Daishoho is now virtually a lock for demotion to Makushita with his 9th loss.

Lower tier notes:
In the Makushita, 3 remain tied with 5-0 and Ishizaki is now in a position to be promoted to Juryo if he can win the championship at Ms8. In the Sandanme, 6 remain tied at 5-0 and Enho, likely to be promoted back to Makushita at 4-1 at Sd4, can make it definite with a 5th win tomorrow or in his final match. The Jonidan has 5 remaining at 5-0 and while the Jonokuchi had 2 at 5-0, they’ve had their Day 11 matches as of this post and Daikisho beat Gonoumi to take the sole lead at 6-0 so the championship is his to lose.

Sumo-January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 9 Results (1/20/25) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 9 of the January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo

Makuuchi (top tier):
Kagayaki (J16) beat Shiden (J2)
Kotoshoho (M13) beat Tamashoho (M16)
Shonannoumi (M13) beat Tokihayate (M17)
Onokatsu (M12) beat Nishikifuji (M17)
Nishikigi (M12) beat Kitanowaka (M15) by default/withdrawal
Kinbozan (M14) beat Takerufuji (M11)
Hakuoho (M15) beat Meisei (M10)
Midorifuji (M11) beat Mitakeumi (M7)
Endo (M7) beat Tamawashi (M10)
Ichiyamamoto (M6) beat Oshoma (M9)
Takayasu (M6) beat Takarafuji (M8)
Chiyoshoma (M5) beat Churanoumi (M9)
Shodai (M4) beat Gonoyama (M3)
Oho (M3) beat Atamifuji (M2)
Wakatakakage (K) beat Takanosho (M1)
Kirishima (M1) beat Abi (K)
Wakamotoharu (S) beat Tobizaru (M2)
Hiradoumi (M5) beat Hoshoryu (O)
Ura (M4) beat Kotozakura (O)
Onosato (O) beat Daieisho (S)
Leader; Kinbozan (9-0)
WITHDRAWAL: Kitanowaka (M15). Right ankle. Initial reports were it’s broken, if so, tournament over. Will be demoted back to Juryo again if he doesn’t return. He’s yet to have a winning tournament in the top tier.
Yokozuna Watch: It’s probably over for Hoshoryu. His first-ever loss to Hiradoumi leaves him 6-3 and 3 wins off the lead. He can still rally and get to 12-3, but even if that’s good enough for the championship it probably isn’t enough for promotion.
Of note: Chiyoshoma also bounced back from his first loss this tournament to clinch promotion and remains one off the pace at 8-1, with Oho & Takerufuji at 7-2. And Kirishima may have gotten back what he lost before, he has now won 6 in a row since starting 0-3. We’re also on the verge of the first demotions still, Wakamotoharu staved it off today but Atamifuji is showing he’s not ready for Sanyaku anytime soon as he’s fallen to 2-7.

Wakaikari (J13) beat Kiryuko (J12)
Kotoeiho (J13) beat Hatsuyama (J12)
Tohakuryu (J11) beat Daiamami (J11)
Nabatame (J14) beat Oshoumi (J9)
Daiseizan (J9) beat Daishoho (J14)
Fujiseiun (J8) beat Hakuyozan (J10)
Shishi (J4) beat Miroryu (J8)
Shirokuma (J4) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Tochitaikai (J7) beat Tsurugisho (J3)
Ryuden (J3) beat Tomokaze (J6)
Hidenoumi (J6) beat Asakoryu (J2)
Aonishiki (J5) beat Kayo (J1)
Sadanoumi (J1) beat Shimanoumi (J5)
Leader: Wakaikari, Shishi, Aonishiki (8-1)
Of note: No changes at the top but all 3 co-leaders have clinched promotions, so Wakaikari will remain in Juryo while Shishi & Aonishiki could be in the top tier (back for Shishi) if they keep this up. The Ukranians remain on potential final day collision course. We’ll have a Makushita man up again each day starting tomorrow with Hitoshi, who is 4-1 and clinched promotion with a chance to return to Juryo if he can keep winning (he currently is at Ms4).

Lower tier notes:
The Makushita currently has 3 at 5-0 with Ishizaki, the younger brother of Asakoryu, having a chance at promotion to Juryo if he keeps winning (he is at Ms6). The Sandanme currently has 6 at 5-0 and Enho won today to go to 4-1 so he’ll be promoted back to Makushita in March from Sd4. The Jonidan has 5 currently at 5-0 while the Jonokuchi also has 2 remaining at 5-0.

Sumo-January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 8 Results (Halfway Point) (1/19/25) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 8-the Halfway Point-of the January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo

Makuuchi (top tier):
Kayo (J1) beat Nishikifuji (M17)
Tokihayate (M17) beat Kotoshoho (M13)
Hakuoho (M15) beat Nishikigi (M12)
Onokatsu (M12) beat Kagayaki (M16)
Tamashoho (M16) beat Midorifuji (M11)
Takerufuji (M11) beat Kitanowaka (M15)
Kinbozan (M14) beat Tamawashi (M10)
Shonannoumi (M13) beat Meisei (M10)
Takayasu (M6) beat Oshoma (M9)
Ichiyamamoto (M6) beat Churanoumi (M9)
Hiradoumi (M5) beat Mitakeumi (M7)
Takarafuji (M8) beat Chiyoshoma (M5)
Ura (M4) beat Endo (M7)
Gonoyama (M3) beat Atamifuji (M2)
Abi (K) beat Tobizaru (M2)
Kirishima (M1) beat Wakamotoharu (S)
Daieisho (S) beat Takanosho (M1)
Kooyozakura (O) beat Oho (M3)
Onosato (O) beat Wakatakakage (K)
Shodai (M4) beat Hoshoryu (O)
Leader: Kinbozan (8-0)
Of note: Kitanowaka’s streak of top tier appearances without a winning record appears set to continue as Nikkan Sports reports he suffered a broken ankle today against Takerufuji. If true, he’s done. Chiyoshoma’s perfect start ended today leaving Kinbozan as sole leader and first to clinch promotion this tournament. No demotions yet but they may happen tomorrow and include Wakamotoharu, whose latest stay at Sekiwake may end as he is now 1-7. Midorifuji & Kotoshoho are also in danger of demotion at 1-7 and need some wins to avoid dropping to Juryo (more likely for Kotoshoho right now). Elsewhere, Kotozakura now has consecutive wins as he tries to protect his Ozeki ranking and is up to 3-5 while Onosato is on the right side now at 5-3.
Yokozuna Watch: There’s pretty much no room for error left for Hoshoryu. Now at 6-2, he’ll probably have to win out for any real chance at promotion.

Wakaikari (J13) beat Kotoeiho (J13)
Nabatame (J14) beat Tohakuryu (J11)
Daishoho (J14) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Kiryuko (J12) beat Daiseizan (J9)
Hatsuyama (J12) beat Fujiseiun (J8)
Mitoryu (J8) beat Hakuyozan (J10)
Tochitaikai (J7) beat Daiamami (J11)
Oshoumi (J9) beat Tomokaze (J6)
Ryuden (J3) beat Hidenoumi (J6)
Aonishiki (J5) beat Tsurugisho (J3)
Shirokuma (J4) beat Shiden (J2)
Asakoryu (J2) beat Shimanoumi (J5)
Shishi (J4) beat Sadanoumi (J1)
Leader: Wakaikari, Aonishiki, Shishi (7-1)
Of note: The Ukranians remain on a championship collision course but Wakaikari remains poised to be spoiler. There are 4 right behind them at 6-2. At the bottom, Daishoho avoided demotion today but Tsurugisho & Shimanoumi did not, clinching demotions at 0-8.

Lower tier notes:
In the Makushita, 7 have clinched promotions and share the lead at 4-0 with at least 2 former division champions among them. In the Sandanme, 10 remain unbeaten at 4-0 at this point. The Jonidan has 12 remaining perfect at 4-0 while the Jonokuchi has 2 tied at 4-0. No match for Enho in the Sandanme today, he’ll go for his promotion tomorrow.

DDT 1/19/25 Results

For the second straight day, DDT ran the second half of a doubleheader in Tokyo with Tokyo Joshi Pro, today being a New Year Fan Appreciation event.

Today’s event was held at Club eX in Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo and can be watched on demand on WRESTLE UNIVERSE.

The paid attendance was not announced. (Looks like they’re not going to do it anymore)

Match 1; KANON, MJ Paul & Illusion beat Toru Owashi, Tomomitsu Matsunaga & Yuni. Illusion beat Yuni with a neck lock.

Match 2: Akito, Takao Soma and Substitute Kazuki Hirata, aka Yukio Naya, beat Danshoku Dieno, Masa Takanashi & Antonio Honda in 16 seconds. Naya pinned Honda after a knee lift. Which led to…
Match 2 (again): Akito, Takao Soma and Substitute Kazuki Hirata, aka Yukio Naya, beat Danshoku Dieno, Masa Takanashi & Antonio Honda. Naya pinned Honda. Afterwards, the real Hirata appeared, who is temporarily out due to a knee injury (swelling, does not appear to be serious). He announced he will produce a 15th Anniversary event on 3/12 at Shinjuku Face.

Match 3: HARASHIMA beat Kazuma Sumi.

Match 4: Daisuke Sasaki beat Yuki Ishida by submission.

Match 5: MAO beat Keigo Nakamura.

Match 6: Jun Akiyama vs. Yuya Koroku went to a 10 minute time limit draw.

Match 7: Takeshi Masada beat Yuki Iino.

Main Event: Chris Brookes vs. To-y went to a 10 minute time limit draw.

The next event is Sunday at Korakuen Hall. Live streaming on WRESTLE UNIVERSE will begin Saturday at 6:30 PM PT/9:30 PM ET.

GLEAT 1/19/25 Results

GLEAT ran their first G PROWRESTLING event of 2025 today in Tokyo.

Today’s event was held at Shin-Kiba 1st Ring in Tokyo. There appears to have been no live broadcast so it should be on demand on YouTube in a few days, but possibly paywalled (live broadcasts now require membership to watch, including on demand, which is $8.99/month).

The announced paid attendance was 171.

Match 1: Ryuichi Kawakami & Rock Iwasaki beat KAZMA SAKAMORO & Quiet Storm. Kawakami pinned SAKAMOTO after Thunder Fire Bomb.

Match 2: In a G-RUSH Rules match, Issei Onitsuka beat JD Lee.

Match 3: In a G-RUSH Rules match, Tetsuya Izuchi beat Kotaro Suzuki.

Both Match 2 & 3 winners are now in a G-RUSH Tournament on 1/24.

Match 4: Brass Knuckles JUN & Chris Weiss beat T-Hawk & MICHIKO. JUN pinned MICHIKO after Frozen Punch.

Match 5: NOBU SAN beat Hayato Tamura.

Match 6: El Lindaman & Chris Ridgeway beat CIMA & Joe Rand. Ridgeway pinned Rand after Ridgeway Special 12.

Match 7: Minoru Tanaka & Ryo Aitaka beat Katsuhiko Nakajima & Takamori Ito. Tanaka pinned Ito after Minoru Special.

Match 8: Soma Watanabe, Takehiro Yamamura & Junjie beat Kaito Ishida, So Daimonji & MAZADA. Yamamura pinned Ishida with European Clutch.

Main Event: SBK & TAKUMA beat G INFINITY Champions Kuroshio TOKYO Japan & Seigo Tachibana to win the titles. SBK & TAKUMA become the 8th G INFINITY Champions. TAKUMA pinned Kuroshio after a 630 splash. Afterwards, NOBU SAN appeared and announced he was joining Tokyo Bad Boys.

Post-main event, another shocking event-STRONGHEARTS disbanded. CIMA, El Lindaman, T-Hawk & Seiki Yoshioka are going their separate ways and the GLEAT mainstay faction since the beginning, dating back to before in Dragon Gate, is no more.

The next event is G-RUSH Friday at Shinjuku Face. Broadcast plans TBA.

New Japan 1/19/25 Results

New Japan made its first trip of the year to Chiba Prefecture today, and of course that means a Yuji Nagata Produced event as the self-proclaimed oldest 56-year-old would do his best today to make his latest event, BLUE JUSTICE 15, a success.

Today’s event was held at Sakura Municipal Gym in Chiba and can be watched on demand on New Japan World. This was also a Samurai! TV broadcast in Japan.

The announced paid attendance was 1105.

Match 1: Jacob Austin Young, Francesco Akira & Great-O-Khan beat Katsuya Murashima, Shoma Kato & Shota Umino. Akira pinned Murashima after Fireball.

Match 2: Ryohei Oiwa, Robbie Eagles & Kosei Fujita beat Tomoaki Honma, Yoh & El Desperado. Oiwa pinned Honma after The Grip.

Match 3: Hiromu Takahashi & Tetsuya Naito beat Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Takahashi pinned Kojima with Nameless Hiromu Roll Part 2.

Match 4: Taiji Ishimori & SANADA beat TAKA Michinoku & Taichi. SANADA beat TAKA with Skull End.

Match 5: Clark Connors, Drilla Moloney & Gabriel Kidd beat BUSHI, Shingo Takagi & Yota tsuji. Moloney pinned BUSHI after Drilla Killer.

Match 6: YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto beat Hartley Jackson & Zack Sabre Jr. YOSHI-HASHI pinned Jackson after Shoto.

Main Event: Boltin Oleg, Toru Yano, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Yuji Nagata beat Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Sho, Yujiro Takahashi & Ren Narita. Oleg pinned Kanemaru after Kamikaze.

The next event is the Road To THE NEW BEGINNING Tour, which officially starts the full year campaign and the road to Tokyo Dome 2026, starting Wednesday at Korakuen Hall in Tokyo. Live streaming on New Japan World will begin at 1:30 AM PT/4:30 AM ET.

Pro Wrestling NOAH 1/19/25 LIVE Results (Updated)

Pro Wrestling NOAH continues the never-ending SUNNY VOYAGE 2025 Tour today with an event in Saitama. Originally scheduled for no live broadcast, a decision was made the other day to change it to a live broadcast. The mayor of Kasukabe City is scheduled to attend in perhaps the most noreworthy item ahead of time.
The promotion has announced Naomichi Marufuji will miss this event due to participation in SETUP Pro Wrestling in Thailand. That match should be available on demand at a later date as the promotion has announced there will be no live broadcast for that event but it will be on demand on about a week. (Update: Late in this event I found out via the socials that the video may be available on YouTube in 1 week so keep an eye on the SETUP Pro Wrestling social media/YT channels)

Today’s event will be held at Kasukabe Fureai Cube in Saitama and, after the aforementioned change of plans, can be watched LIVE on WRESTLE UNIVERSE. There will be no commentary. There are only 6 matches scheduled so this will probably be a standard house show with a running time of no more than 2 hours. Also, due to a Tokyo Joshi Pro event running while this one begins there may be a slight delay in posting results.

Today’s lineup:
Kai Fujimura vs. Daiki Odashima
Saxon Huxley & Zozaya vs. LJ Cleary & Black Menso-re
Eita, AMAKUSA & Junta Miyawaki vs. HAYATA, YO-HEY & Tadasuke
Takashi Sugiura, Masa Kitamiya & Ulka Sasaki vs. Mohammed Yone, Atsushi Kotoge & Hajime Ohara
Tetsuya Endo & Omos vs. Manabu Soya & Kazuyuki Fujita
OZAWA, Jack Morris, Daga & Yu Owada vs. Kaito Kiyomiya, Galeno, Kenoh & Alejandro

Refresh this page occasionally for the latest results.

Updates below will begin at 8 PM PT/11 PM ET. The live stream is scheduled to begin 15 minutes before the event.

7:55 PM PT UPDATE: Live updates begin now.

We are LIVE from Kasukabe Fureai Cube in Saitama, Japan. There is no commentary.
The paid attendance will be announced after the event. This is the first time I’m seeing inside this venue, it’s small and the crowd is still filing in but it’s mostly full. The setup, at least from what I can see, appears to be for maybe 400 tops, I’m guessing the total attendance will be around 300. (UPDATE: The announced paid attendance was 570)

The matches will begin shortly.

The mayor of Kasukabe City comes out first to greet the crowd.

The matches begin at 8:03 PM PT/11:03 PM ET.

Match 1: Kai Fujimura vs. Daiki Odashima. 15 minute time limit
Result: Kai Fujimura beat Daiki Odashima

Match 2: Saxon Huxley & Zozaya vs. LJ Cleary & Black Menso-re. 20 minute time limit
Result: Saxon Huxkey & Zozaya beat LJ Cleary & Black Menso-re. Huxley pinned Menso-re after a sitout powerbomb.

Match 3: Eita, AMAKUSA & Junta Miyawaki vs. HAYATA, YO-HEY & Tadasuke. 20 minute time limit
Result: HAYATA, YO-HEY & Tadasuke beat Eita, AMAKUSA & Junta Miyawaki. HAYATA pinned Eita.


The matches resume at 8:55 PM PT/11:55 PM ET.

Match 4: Takashi Sugiura, Masa Kitamiya & Ulka Sasaki vs. Mohammed Yone, Atsushi Kotoge & Hajime Ohara. 30 minute time limit
Result: Takashi Sugiura, Masa Kitamiya & Ulka Sasaki beat Mohammed Yone, Atsushi Kotoge & Hajime Ohara. Kitamiya pinned Kotoge after a Saito suplex.

Match 5: Tetsuya Endo & Omos (WWE) vs. Manabu Soya & Kazuyuki Fujita. 30 minute time limit
Result: Tetsuya Endo & Omos beat Manabu Soya & Kazuyuki Fujita. Endo pinned Soya after Burning Star Press. Afterwards, Endo with microphone. Having now gone full heel since leaving DDT by joining Team 2000X, what presumably was a heel promo on Soya followed ahead of their rematch on 2/11 for the GHC National Championship.

Main Event: OZAWA, Jack Morris, Daga & Yu Owada vs. Kaito Kiyomiya, Galeno, Kenoh & Alejandro. 1 Hour time limit
Result: Kaito Kiyomiya, Galeno, Kenoh & Alejandro beat OZAWA, Jack Morris, Daga & Yu Owada. Galeno pinned Owada after Galeno Special. Post-match, Galeno with microphone. Very brief and in English, “I will be next champion”.

The next event is Saturday at Osaka Prefectural Gym 2 in Osaka with a GHC Heavyweight Tag Team Championship match as Kiyomiya & Galeno challenge Jack Morris & Omos for the titles and Eita-HAYATA for the GHC Junior Heavyweight Championship. Live streaming on WRESTLE UNIVERSE will begin at 12:30 AM PT/3:30 AM ET.

UPDATE: The promotion had announced Owada has changed his ring name. It will now be Owadasan.

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling 1/19/25 LIVE Results (Updated 1/21/25 x2)

Tokyo Joshi Pro continues the Futari-wa Princess Max Heart Tournament today with the Quarterfinals as part of another doubleheader with DDT. Yesterday’s Round 1 saw Wasteland Pom Party advance, much to my delight, but also a shocking upset as Arisu Endo & Suzume, undoubtedly an early favorite to win the tournament, were beaten by Wakana Uehara & Yuki Kamifuku when Uehara submitted Endo in perhaps the biggest win yet of Uehara’s young career. Today’s results will set up the Semifinals in a couple weeks.

Today’s event will be held at Club eX in Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo and can be watched LIVE on WRESTLE UNIVERSE. There will be no commentary. Although there are 8 matches today instead of 7 they are on a tight clock again because there’s a DDT event to follow them. Yesterday’s event was shorter than I anticipated and I expect more of the same with today running around 2 hours.

Today’s lineup: (match order TBA):
Rika Tatsumi vs. Arisu Endo & Chika Nanase in a 3-way
Miu Watanabe vs. Kira Summer
Miyu Yamashita vs. Ivy Steele
Mizuki, Jada Stone & Uta Takami vs. Suzume, Moka Miyamoto & Mifu Ashida
Max Heart Tournament Quarterfinals:
Shoko Nakajima & Hyper Misao vs. Yoshiko Hasegawa & Kaya Toribami
Haru Kazashiro & Toga vs. HIMAWARI & Shino Suzuki
Max The Impaler & Pom Harajuku vs. Yuki Aino & Raku
Yuki Kamifuku & Wakana Uehara vs. Neko Haruna & Mahiro Kiryu

Refresh this page occasionally for the latest results.

Updates below will begin at 6:30 PM PT/9:30 PM ET. The live stream is scheduled to begin 15 minutes before the event.

6:30 PM PT UPDATE: Live updates begin now.

We are LIVE from Club eX in Shinagawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo, Japan. There is no commentary.

The paid attendance will be announced after the event. Didn’t get a good look because they came in right as the opening announcements began, but yesterday did a near-sellout of just under 300 so that’ll be my guess for today. (UPDATE: The announced paid attendance was 223)

The matches should begin in 10-15 minutes.

The matches begin at 6:42 PM PT/9:42 PM ET.

Match 1: Miu Watanabe vs. Kira Summer. 15 minute time limit
Result: Miu Watanabe beat Kira Summer by submission

Match 2: Miyu Yamashita vs. Ivy Steele. 15 minute time limit
Result: Miyu Yamashita beat Ivy Steele

Match 3: Rika Tatsumi vs. Arisu Endo & Chika Nanase in a 3-way. 20 minute time limit
Result: Rika Tatsumi beat Arisu Endo & Chika Nanase in a 3-way by pinning Nanase.

Match 4: Mizuki, Jada Stone & Uta Takami vs. Suzume, Moka Miyamoto & Mifu Ashida. 20 minute time limit
Result: Mizuki, Jada Stone & Uta Takami beat Suzume, Moka Miyamoto & Mifu Ashida. Stone pinned Suzume after Spark Stunner. Afterwards, Stone made it very clear to Suzume that she wanted an International Princess Championship shot. We’ll see what happens. (1/21/25 UPDATE: It’s now official. That match will happen on 2/8 at Korakuen Hall)

Futari-wa Princess Max Heart Tournament Quarterfinals:
Match 5: Yuki Kamifuku & Wakana Uehara vs. Neko Haruna & Mahiro Kiryu. No time limit
Result: Yuki Kamifuku & Wakana Uehara beat Neko Haruna & Mahiro Kiryu. Kamifuku pinned Kiryu after Fameasser. As a result, Kamifuku & Uehara advance to the Semifinals on 1/25.

Quick break for ring repairs/maintenance.

Match 6: Haru Kazashiro & Toga vs. HIMAWARI & Shino Suzuki. No time limit
Result: HIMAWARI & Shino Suzuki beat Haru Kazashiro & Toga. HIMAWARI beat Toga with a single leg Boston Crab. As a result, Kamifuku & Uehara advance to the Semifinals on 1/25.

Match 7: Max The Impaler & Pom Harajuku vs. Yuki Aino & Raku. No time limit
Result: Max The Impaler & Pom Harajuku beat Yuki Aino & Raku. Harajuku pinned Raku after a Max-assisted diving body press. As a result, Wasteland Pom Party advance to the Semifinals, much to my delight.

Main Event: Shoko Nakajima & Hyper Misao vs. Yoshiko Hasegawa & Kaya Toribami. No time limit
Result: Shoko Nakajima & Hyper Misao beat Yoshioko Hasegawa & Kaya Toribami. Nakajima pinned Toribami after a diving senton. As a result, Nakajima & Misao advance to the Semifinals.

The Semifinals will be Uehara & Kamifuku vs. Max & Pom and HIMAWARI & Suzuki vs. Nakajima & Misao.

The Semifinals are Saturday at Shinjuku Face. Live streaming on WRESTLE UNIVERSE will begin Friday at 6 PM PT/9 PM ET.

1/21/25 UPDATE 2: You will also be able to watch Saturday’s entire event LIVE FOR FREE on YouTube. It will still also air on WRESTLE UNIVERSE and YouTube will be live only (no on demand/saved replays). On demand will be only on WRESTLE UNIVERSE.

Sumo-January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament Day 7 Results (1/18/25) (Top 2 Tiers)

Here are the quick results from today’s Day 7-the first Promotion Day-of the January 2025 Grand Sumo Tournament in Tokyo:
Key: M-Maegashira, K-Komusubi, S-Sekiwake, O-Ozeki, J-Juryo, Ms-Makushita

Makuuchi (top tier):
Hakuoho (M15) beat Tamashoho (M16)
Kinbozan (M14) beat Tokihayate (M17)
Kagayaki (M16) beat Kotoshoho (M13)
Nishikifuji (M17) beat Shonannoumi (M13)
Onokatsu (M12) beat Kitanowaka (M15)
Tamawashi (M10) beat Nishikigi (M12)
Takerufuji (M11) beat Oshoma (M9)
Churanoumi (M9) beat Midorifuji (M11)
Takarafuji (M8) beat Meisei (M10)
Takayasu (M6) beat Mitakeumi (M7)
Chiyoshoma (M5) beat Roga (M8) by default/withdrawal
Hiradoumi (M5) beat Endo (M7)
Ura (M4) beat Ichiyamamoto (M6)
Tobizaru (M2) beat Shodai (M4)
Kirishima (M1) beat Wakatakakage (K)
Takanosho (M1) beat Abi (K)
Daieisho (S) beat Wakamotoharu (S)
Onosato (O) beat Atamifuji (M2)
Hoshoryu (O) beat Oho (M3)
Kotozakura (O) beat Gonoyama (M3)
Leader: Chiyoshoma, Kinbozan (7-0)
WITHDRAWAL: Roga (M8). Right hamstring. Status uncertain. Will be demoted unless he returns tomorrow and wins out because he is now the equivalent of 0-7. Demotion to Juryo is a possibility. Chiyoshoma got the fusen as a result.
Of note: Is this finally the big moment for Oho? Expectations have always been sky-high for him as the grandson of legendary Yokozuna Taiho (fun fact: Who may be Oho’s brother, also a grandson of Taiho, is Japanese pro wrestler Yukio Naya in the DDT promotion), and he’s had his moments but generally has struggled at the upper ranks. He may finally be putting it all together after just missing out on Sanyaku after September despite taking his first loss today against Hoshoryu. Chiyoshoma got a free pass today to continue his best-ever start. Kotozakura also got another needed win as he tries to salvage a winning record with his Yokozuna hopes dashed, improving to 2-5. He can still get to a respectable 10 wins he he wins out. The other surprise leader is Kinbocan following demotion to Juryo due to injuries while Takerufuji is among a group right behind at 6-1.
Yokozuna Watch: Hoshoryu remains in contention after handing Oho his first loss today, sitting in a group of 4 at 6-1. He has Shodai tomorrow, who is currently 2-5.

Kiryuko (J12) beat Daishoho (J14)
Miyagi (Ms4) beat Hatsuyama (J13)
Nabatame (J14) beat Daiamami (J11)
Kotoeiho (J13) beat Hakuyozan (J10)
Wakaikari (J13) beat Shimazuumi (J10)
Tohakuryu (J11) beat Fujiseiun (J8)
Tochitaikai (J7) beat Tomokaze (J6)
Hidenoumi (J6) beat Oshoumi (J9)
Aonishiki (J5) beat Daiseizan (J9)
Mitoryu (J8) beat Shonannoumi (J5)
Asakoryu (J2) beat Ryuden (J3)
Shiden (J2) beat Tsurugisho (J3)
Shishi (J4) beat Kayo (J1)
Sadanoumi (J1) beat Shirokuma (J4)
Leader: Shishi, Aonishiki, Wakaikari (6-1)
Of note: It’s getting interesting with 2 Ukranians sharing the lead. That could make for quite the showdown when/if it happens between Shishi, trying to get back to the top tier after demotion last time out, and fast-rising Aonishiki who is on pact to reach the top tier in what would be only his 9th career tournament as his career so far is off to a blazing 54-10 start and he won the championship in his first 2 tournaments (Jonokuchi & Jonidan). November was by far his worst tournament to date and the only time so far he’s lost more than one match in a tournament, although he finished a still-impressive 10-5 in his Juryo debut. After just hanging on to Juryo after a losing record last time out, Wakaikari has nearly matched his November win total with a 6-1 start to share the lead.

:Lower tier notes:
It’s the first half of Promotion Day in the lower tiers, where the leaders are 4-0 and thus clinch promotions for the next tournament. In the Makushita, 5 are currently tied at 4-0 with 4 more trying to join them tomorrow. In the Sandanme, 6 are tired at 4-0 with 8 more getting their chance tomorrow. In the Jonidan, 5 are tied at 4-0 after the first half while the Jonokuchi has one at 4-0 with another at 3-0. Also of note, Enho won his 3rd straight match today to go to 3-1 in the Sandanme and one win away from promotion, which should get him back to Makushita in March.

Reminder: NHK World Japan will have 50 minutes of LIVE top tier coverage in English FOR FREE tomorrow beginning at 12:10 AM PT/3:10 AM ET.

All-Japan 1/18/25 Results

All-Japan returned to action after a 2 week break for their New Year Fan Appreciation Day event today.

Today’s event was held at Shinjuku Face in Tokyo and can be watched on demand on AJPW.TV.

The announced paid attendance was 510, a legit advance sellout. Actually overflow because the venue’s normal full capacity is 500.

Match 1: Shotaro Ashino, Dan Tamura & Ryo Inoue beat Hideki Suzuki, Yuko Miyamoto & Hikaru Sato. Ashino beat Miyamoto with an ankle lock.

Match 2: Yuma Anzai & Ren Ayabe beat Rising Hayato & Ryuki Honda. Anzai pinned Hayato after Gimlet.

Match 3: MUSASHI, Seriki Yoshioka & Seigo Tachibana beat Hokuto Omori, Aizawa No. 1 & Naruki Doi. MUSASHI pinned Aizawa after Two Heaven First Class.

Match 4: Jun Saito & Yuma Aoyagi beat Rei Saito & Atsuki Aoyagi. Yuma Aoyagi pinned Atsuki Aoyagi after The Fool.

Main Event: Kento Miyahara beat Taishin Nagao.

The next event is 1/26 at Makuhari Messe International Exhibition Center Hall 4 in Chiba. Live streaming on AJPW.TV will begin at midnight PT/3 AM ET. This event will also be broadcast on GAORA SPORTS in Japan at a later date.

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